openplot_curves gives no plot

On Thu, 2005-22-09 at 11:34 -0600, Robert Dodier wrote:
> hello bob,
> > (%i15) openplot_curves([["{plotpoints 1} {pointsize 6} {label jim} {text
> > {xaxislabel {joe is nice}}}"],[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],["{label jane} {color
> > pink}"],[3,1,4,2,5,7]]);
> >
> > (%o15) 1
> i assume the goal is to create a plot using openmath.

The goal is to create a plot of points rather than using openmath per
> in that case try using plot2d and tell it to use openmath:
>   plot2d ( , [plot_format, openmath] );
> see plot_options under "Plotting" at:

The manual shows the openplot_curves as a function for plotting curves
with big points so I thought I would start there but I get no plot.

> it's quite possible that openplot_curves is broken; probably we should
> attempt to determine if maxima is better off by fixing it or cutting it.

If it is broken and/or dropped, is there an alternative that I have not
found yet for plotting points, like the ListPlot command in Mathematica?

> hope this helps,
> robert dodier

Thanks, Bob
Dr. Robert J. Jerrard, Professor of Mathematics,
Concordia University College of Alberta,
7128 Ada Blvd., Edmonton, Alberta, T5B 4E4, Canada.
Phone: (780) 479-9291, Fax: (780) 474-1933.