Subject: Numerical Methods For Differential Equations
From: Donna and Dan Stanger
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 08:44:32 -0400
You may want to look at share/numeric/diffeq.mac
Also the slatec library is available.
Benjamin Good wrote:
> Hello, I'm new to Maxima and am currently enrolled in a Differential
> Equations course at college. In our class we use Matlab and
> Mathematica to solve equations both symbolically and numerically.
> However, due to their prohibitive price and my interest in open source
> software, I've installed Maxima on my personal computer (a Mac). The
> symbolic methods in Maxima are spectacular so far, but I've been
> confused about the numerical methods. In a few places on the internet
> I've heard mention of an NDIFFQ package containing an rk4 method
> amoung others, but such a package doesn't exist in the default
> installation. So my questions are:
> Is there a way to solve differential equations numerically using Maxima?
> Is there a way to plot slope fields using Maxima?
> Thank you very much.
> Ben
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