polynomial interpolation

hi mario,

> (%i2) /* define Lagrange interpolation  */
> lagrange(tab) := ...

that looks really nice. can you commit that to, say,
share/numeric/ ?  when you add the file, be sure to
put the file name on the list in share/Makefile.am.
you can add it to both the main and 5.9.2 branches if you want.

searching the maxima files for "newton", "lagrange",
"interp", etc., finds only a few things, none of which is
polynomial interpolation: one is src/intpol.lisp, numerical
solution of transcendental eqns by polynomial interpolation,
and the other is a mention of a file newton1.mac which
(supposedly) carries out polynomial interpolation.
however share/numeric/newton1.mac appears to be
an implementation of newton's method for solution of
equations (same for share/numeric/newton.mac).
