Question about long numbers

Robert Dodier wrote:

>On 10/6/05, Doug Stewart  wrote:
>>>I have a number that is 3807 digits long. I want to put this number in
>>>a batch file. ( windows XP system)
>>>Notepad does not allow one line to be that long.
>>I was wrong!  Notepad does work with these big numbers.
>i'm glad to hear it worked out OK for you.
>however, the question stands, i think.
>how can a long number, symbol, or string be broken across lines?
>experimenting with a few possibilites,
>it seems neither # nor \ nor & are acceptable.
>robert dodier
When working with equations, the parser just goes to the next line until 
it finds a ;
but with numbers it argues with the \n end of line
Would it be possible for the parser to ignore \n when reading in numbers?
I really don't know the code so this might be a stupid suggestion.
Doug Stewart