I have posted files for Maxima 5.9.2 to Sourceforge.
I will make a general announcement after someone else confirms
they can download, install and/or build, and execute the files, and,
I hope, after a Windows installer is available.
The source files are identical to with the exception of NEWS
and maxima/Makefile.am (put ChangeLog-5.9.2 on file list).
The precompiled rpms were compiled with gcl 2.6.7 on a Fedora 1 system.
I don't know if we want to try to target a more recent and/or more common
Linux distribution. As it stands, Maxima installed from those rpms
segfaults at start-up on a Redhat Enterprise Linux system; my guess is
that there is a library incompatibility which was not detected by rpm.
Robert Dodier