Re: Vector analysis and bode plots

>    8. Vector analysis and bode plots (Ron Crummett)

> Secondly, I am taking a control systems class in which we use Bode
> diagrams frequently.  Generally we do all of our work in Matlab, but one
> person likes to use MathCad and it occurred to me that Maxima might be
> able to do some of this, if Bode plots can be done.  Not a lot on that
> subject either.  So, do any of you more experienced Maxima users have
> some suggestions for me on what I can do, where I can to, to satisfy
> these needs?  Thanks a ton.

The only thing it had problems with last time I tried to make Bode
plots was with the sampling of the X axis.  I asked in a thread "How
do I make a log-log plot?" (see for
example), and people were suggesting fixes.  I believe this feature
will be implemented in the next version.  For now you'll have to
kludge around it by using (exp(x)) or something.

You'll probably want to use gnuplot's multiplot command to put
magnitude and phase in separate plots.