Vector analysis and bode plots wrote on 10/19/2005 02:13:43 PM:

> Wouldn't it possibly be better if:
> -The vector operations were automatically loaded?

No, loading vect.mac makes a mess of 'product':

(%i1) product(x+k,k,1,3);
(%o1) (x+1)*(x+2)*(x+3)
(%i2) load("vect");
(%o2) c:/maxima/share/maxima/5.9.2/share/vector/vect.mac
(%i3) product(x+k,k,1,3);
Too many arguments supplied to product(uu,pv): 

> -There was an option to specify the coordinate system?

This feature exists; it's incompletely documented in 

(%i1) load("vect_transform");
(%o1) c:/maxima/share/maxima/5.9.2/share/vector/vect_transform.mac
(%i2) load("vect");
(%o2) c:/maxima/share/maxima/5.9.2/share/vector/vect.mac
(%i3) scalefactors(polar);
(%o3) done
(%i4) grad(r * cos(theta));
(%o4) grad(r*cos(theta))
(%i5) express(%);
(%o5) ['diff((r*cos(theta)),r,1),'diff((r*cos(theta)),theta,1)/abs(r)]
(%i6) %,diff;
(%o6) [cos(theta),-(r*sin(theta))/abs(r)]
