How do you use allocate?

I can't help more on the specific cure, but you
should beware that sometimes such resource shortcomings
are not really fixed by allocating more resource.
The reason is that the program is really in an
infinite loop and will use up whatever resource
is re-allocated.  Unless you have some assurance
that your program terminates after a finite
computation, you might look there first.  I don't
know about STREAM, but maybe you are trying to
do input or output of very large things?


Raymond Toy wrote:

>>>>>>"Doug" == Doug Stewart  writes:
>     Doug> I got the following error message:
>     Doug> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Doug> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
>     Doug>  Error in PROGN [or a callee]: The storage for STREAM is exhausted.
>     Doug> Currently, 206 pages are allocated.
>     Doug> Use ALLOCATE to expand the space.
> Sounds like GCL.  Is it?  If so, perhaps someone familiar with gcl can
> explain how to allocate more space.
> Ray
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