Subject: Re: Fwd: Maxima patches for Scieneer Common Lisp.
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 08:00:54 -0700
I haven't personally tried it with the downcased source code,
but I found it necessary in Allegro Common Lisp to compile
the code in the "ANSI Standard" uppercasing setting of the
lisp. The bothcases mode (named by Franz Inc "modern"
common lisp) may work with the downcased source, but I
would be surprised if there were no glitches. In particular
I think Allegro ("modern") would benefit from
(in-package :maxima) as well. I'm not sure how to conditionalize
this stuff, but it seems to me pretty harmless to just have
nicknames for packages in lower case. That is, the
defpackage for "MAXIMA" could have nickname :maxima. It
could also have nickname :climax which is the name for
the commercial macsyma. Those of us who have copies
of commercial macsyma could then try out packages from
maxima in that environment too. This are all small
issues, but I'd tend to put in a few lines in maxima to make
SCL (and Allegro) run in bothcases, if it is
invisible to anyone else. As well as any other small
harmless other tidbits. Maybe SMH can comment on other
things that bothcases Allegro needs, since he compiled
the Maxima in Allegro CL more recently than I have.
I am curious as to how Scieneer is licensed (presumably
not GPL, but sold?) How priced to schools? Runnable on