Noun forms of elementry arithmetic functions

Hello Chris,

> x + 1 + x,
> without these automatically being simplified to 2*x+1.

I believe you can get what you want by using
stuff (namely flags to control evaluation and simplification)
that's already built-in.

You can make nouns of built-in operators. Write the operator
name in double quotes.

  foo: ' "+" ( ' "*" (2, 3), 5)  => mplus(mtimes(2, 3), 5)
  ev (foo, "+")  => mtimes(2, 3) + 5
  ev (foo, "*") => mplus(6, 5)
  ev (foo, nouns) => 11

%MPLUS, %MTIMES, etc should probably display as
+, *, etc; that would be a mild bug in the display code.

Also simp: false$  will probably be useful to you.

I made an attempt to explain something about simplification
and evaluation. You can judge for yourself whether it's useful.

Also, ev is a many-splendored thing: see ev under "Command Line" at

Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier