Thanks Raymond. I will make the attempt.
Dick Fell
On Nov 1, 2005, at 4:49 PM, Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>>> "Richard" == fell writes:
> Richard> I suspect that I should install some lisp first and then
> Richard> the maxima source code and follow the instructions. But,
> Richard> what lisp. And a
> I believe clisp, cmucl, gcl, openmcl, and sbcl should all work on Mac
> OS X Tiger. I have personally built maxima with cmucl and clisp
> (older version, though) on Tiger and it works just fine. I think
> plotting works too, if you get gnuplot. (Might have to use the X
> version; I don't remember.) But I don't actually use maxima all that
> much.
> Richard> question out of curiosity. Once a lisp is installed, how
> Richard> does maxima know where to look for it in my directory
> Richard> tree?
> When you build maxima, you can tell configure where your lisp is. Or
> just adjust PATH to include your lisp. After that, maxima will know
> where your lisp binary is when you install it. I think.
> Ray
Richard N. Fell
Martin Fisher School of Physics
Brandeis University
Waltham, Ma 02454