having trouble with flet in plot.lisp -- stack overflow

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier  writes:

    Robert>       (flet ((fun (x)
    Robert>            (if log-x-p
    Robert>            (funcall f (exp x))
    Robert>            (funcall f x))))

    Robert> Not sure what's going on here -- could be I'm too tired
    Robert> to consider this rationally ... Any information would be great.

Oops.  I didn't answer this.  To support logarithmic plotting (of the
x axis), we replace the original function f with a new function fun.
When doing log plotting of the x axis, we sample the x axis
logarithmically by converting the x samples to log(x) samples.  To
compute the corresponding y value, we need to compute f(exp(x)).  This
is what the flet fun is for.

How this can cause a stack overflow with clisp and sbcl confuses me.
