Hello (about factoring into explicit algebraic numbers)

Richard Fateman a écrit :

> Your problem cannot be solved in general form mathematically,
> and so you should not expect that some program would solve it.
> You cannot express the roots of arbitrary polynomials in
> terms of radicals, according to Galois. (For degree 5 or higher
> there exist polynomials that cannot be solved in this form.)
> You can find approximate linear factors by finding complex
> roots numerically.
> The "factor" commands do the best possible "over the rational field".
> Which means that some polynomials are irreducible.
> You can find some solutions in terms of radicals, but that is
> only when the polynomial is of low enough degree, or you are
> lucky.
> Regards
> RJF 

Thank's... I can't find :(
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