On 11/3/05, Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
> I've been trying to install maxima-5.9.2 on a Redhat 9.0/Fedora Core 1
> hybrid system. I could install the rpms of maxima, maxima-exec-gcl and
> xmaxima, but the executables wouldn't run - I just got a segmentation fault.
> I ended up compiling the source version - and that runs fine. But I would
> like the nice interface of xmaxima. I can't run the xmaxima executable from
> the xmaxima rpm, as that expects all its files to be found in a different
> place as used by the source version.
> So I could (I suppose) recompile, putting everything in a different
> directory (where, I don't know yet), or maybe there's some way of getting
> xmaxima to "see" where my current maxima is.
If I remember correctly, Xmaxima is built by make and installed by make install
along with the rest of Maxima. So you don't want Xmaxima from the rpm,
it's superseded by whatever you built. My advice is to rpm -e maxima,
xmaxima, and maxima-exec-gcl. If that doesn't help (by removing the
unwanted xmaxima from your path) try locating the xmaxima script
whereever make install put it, and executing it as /usr/local/.../xmaxima
to make sure you're getting the xmaxima which you built.
My development box is a FC1 system so this is certainly possible.
Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier