Fwd: [Maxima] install maixima + wxmaxima on windows XP

Robert Dodier wrote:

>So far as I know, the problem is item 5 below -- Windows
>thinks you want to prevent the GUI from talking to Maxima
>proper. (The GUI, called Xmaxima, is a separate program
>from Maxima. Xmaxima opens a socket to communicate
>with Maxima. Windows security thinks Xmaxima might be
>spyware / trojan horse / etc.)
>Other people have seen the same problem. Unfortunately
>I don't know how to disable the blocking. Supposedly there
>is a control panel for Windows security somewhere but I
>don't know if that works; I haven't tried it.
>Lamlbiro -- the command line part should still work.
>About the GUI blocking problem, you might have to ask
>someone who knows about Windows specifically.
We should also know which firewall is installed on your computer. I 
believe that the default windows firewall will not prevent maxima / 
xmaxima connection, since it will only block network connections and not 
connections between local programs. If no other firewall is running, the 
problem is probably somewhere else. At least if I start xmaxima with 
only the windows firewall running and select block connections, maxima 
still connects to xmaxima. Disable the firewall and start xmaxima then 
to see if the firewall is really the problem.

>To everyone else -- I wonder how we can prevent the
>"block this program?" question from ever appearing.
Not in general I guess - you can't know in advance which firewall the 
user is running.
