Hello Yvon,
I am forwarding your message to the Maxima mailing list in
hopes that someone else can help here.
About item (1), I really don't know much about Maxima's factor
function. About (2), other people have reported problems with
writefile. As it happens $WRITEFILE in src/macsys.lisp simply
calls DRIBBLE, so I wonder if DRIBBLE works correctly in GCL
(without Maxima around). (3) I guess that behavior is just a simple bug.
Sorry I can't be more helpful,
Robert Dodier
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yvon Siret
Date: Nov 14, 2005 10:28 AM
Subject: Some questions
To: Robert Dodier
Hello Robert,
As I have some small problems which are not specially bugs, I take the
liberty to
write to you directly. Tell me if even in such a case I must follow the
policy of reporting bugs.
1) I have run a test of factorisation from which I have extracted the
function and 2 tests among a lot(see at the end
of the letter). I am surprised by the execution time: 264 secs for
test(6,3). The test(9,9) takes so long a time that I had no
patience to wait for the result!
All those tests run very fast using mathematica.
For instance test(6,3) takes 0.16 sec and test(9,9) 3 secs, with
mathematica on my PC which is not particularly
powerful. Are the very important functions, like "factor", compiled on
the Windows version of maxima?
2) I use very often the possibility to save a session, by
writefile(file), in order to
have later a printed version of my work. But it seems that writefile
writes nothing in the
file, if one uses batch. Is is normal?
3) Why with the function demo, the command lines ended by a dollar, are
nevertheless printed on the screen?
Thank you for your help.
Maxima version: 5.9.2
Maxima build date: 9:5 10/12/2005
lisp-implementation-type: GNU CommonLisp(GCL)
lisp-implementation-version: GCL 2.6.7
test(prob,nfac):= block([p,i,m,q],
print("Problem number: ", prob),
m:factor(p), q:expand(p-m),
print("controle: ", q), "OK");
a[1] :( w^4*x^5*y^6-w^4*z^3+w^2*x^3*y+x*y^2*z^2) ;
a[2] :(w^4*z^6-w^3*x^3*y-w^2*x^2*y^2*z^2+x^5*z
-x^4*y^2+y^2*z^3) ;
a[3] :(-x^5*z^3+x^2*y^3+y*z) ;
a[1] :( 18*u^2*w^3*x*z^2+10*u^2*w*x*y^3+15*u*z^2+6*w^2*y^3*z^2) ;
a[2] :( x) ;
a[3] :( 25*u^2*w^3*y*z^4+32*u^2*w^4*y^4*z^3-
8*u*w*x^3*z^4+4*w^2*x+11*w^2*x^3*y+12*y^3*z^2) ;
a[4] :( z) ;
a[5] :( z) ;
a[6] :( u) ;
a[7] :( u) ;
a[8] :( u);
a[9] :( u) ;
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