More questions about Maxima's tensor functions


I have some more questions about using the the tensor functions in Maxima.

The calculations I want to do don't seem to be covered in the examples 
and I'm wondering if this isn't an appropriate way to be attempting to 
use it.

What I want to do is to define an function of the form:

W(E_11, E_12, E_13, ...) := c1 *exp(c2*(E_11)^2 + c2*(E_22)^2 +....)

where the function is defined in terms of the individual components of a 
tensor for which numerical values are known.  (This is a strain energy 
function used in finite deformation elasticity and E is the Green's 
strain tensor.)

Then I want to calculate a stress tensor S_ij = del(W)/del(E_ij) by 
taking the partial derivatives this function with respect to each 
component of E, from which I can calculate a force to be used in a 
minimisation routine to estimate the parameters c1, c2, ... .

Is it possible define the function as a tensor and then have Maxima 
generate the tensor of partial derivatives?

I could do this by creating a matrix where each element is defined 
individually eg: matrix([diff(W,E_11,1),diff(W,E_12,1), ... ]), but it 
would be nice to be able to do it without having to define each element, 
since that would be less error prone and less tedious if I want to try a 
number of different W functions.


Glenn Ramsey  07 8627077