*general-display-prefix* not inserted after questions

Hello *,

I've just filed a bug number 1362658, with a proposed fix. The patch to 
macsys.lisp is

--- macsys.lisp.orig    2005-11-21 02:56:03.000000000 +0100
+++ macsys.lisp 2005-11-21 15:16:52.000000000 +0100
@@ -278,9 +278,10 @@
          (princ *prompt-prefix*)
          (displa msg)
          (princ *prompt-suffix*)
-  (mread-noprompt *query-io* nil))
+  (let ((res (mread-noprompt *query-io* nil)))
+       (princ *general-display-prefix*) res))

  (defmfun $read (&rest l)
    (meval (apply #'$readonly l)))

Can this be done simpler, without (let ...) ? Should I use
(format t "~a" *general-display-prefix*) instead of princ?
(I don't know how these things behave when maxima is using something other 
than stdin/stdout for reading/writing). Finally, is this the natural place 
for this fix, or it's better to patch mread-noprompt ?

I'd like the gurus to review this patch and then to apply it (maybe, 
