denominator of really complicated expression

I have a really complicated expression I need to find the denominator
of.  When I save the expression to file the file is 300kb.  The
expression has some smaller fractions sprinkled though out, so I need
to expand it before I can call denom.  (denom on the un-expanded
expression just gives 1).  When I call either expand or radcan on the
expression, it runs for several minutes, maxima takes up 300-400 megs
of memory and then stops with the message:
(%i104) bob:expand(bode0);

Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

 Error in CATCH [or a callee]: The storage for CONS is exhausted.
Currently, 66689 pages are allocated.
Use ALLOCATE to expand the space.

Automatically continuing.
To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

Does anyone have any suggestions for expanding or finding the
denominator of a really long expression in a way that doesn't have
this error?

The attached batch file generates the expression.  The expression I
need to simplify is called bode0.



Attached file: