Fwd: Maxima wishlist

I think the wxMaxima project is a good step towards a nicer interface
for new users especially.  I don't know if that meets the needs of the
students mentioned.  I like the idea of keeping the functionality
seperate from the interface so that shell usage is available to more
advanced users.


On 11/22/05, Robert Dodier  wrote:
> Hi Alasdair,
> I've taken the liberty of forwarding your message to the mailing list.
> All of these ideas sounds really good to me. It would be a
> very useful exercise to walk through this list and identify
> what is and is not already implemented. About your students,
> by all means, point them in the direction of the mailing list and
> we'll take it from there ... 8^)
> best,
> Robert Dodier
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Alasdair McAndrew 
> Date: Nov 22, 2005 5:09 PM
> Subject: Maxima wishlist
> To: Robert Dodier 
> Since you asked... here is my wish list for Maxima:
> 1) Good number theory package.  Since Maxima uses arbitrary precision
> arithmetic, this should be accompanied by a good computational number
> theory package: modular powers, inverses, extended euclidean
> algorithm, chinese remainder theorem, factorization (using all the
> best methods, up to and including the number field sieve), discrete
> logarithms, modular square and nth roots, primitive roots.
> 2) Graph theory.  Creating graphs (weighted, unweighted, directed,
> undirected), drawing graphs (this would require another plotting
> package to gnuplot), modifying graphs, testing for planarity, euler
> and hamiltonian paths and circuits.  Minimal spanning trees, shortest
> paths, coloring and matching, flow algorithms.
> 3) Boolean algebra and logic.  Simplification of boolean expressions,
> truth tables, satisfyability, disjuntive and conjunctive canonical
> forms, checking for tautologies and contradictions.
> 4) Linear Algebra.  I'd like to be able to compute reduced row echelon
> form, and some matrix decompositions (LU, QR, Cholesky etc).
> 5) User interface.  This isn't a problem for me (I switch between
> maxima, xmaxima, imaxima in emacs, maxima in TeXmacs), but it could be
> a problem for teaching.  One nice modern-sh interface would be nice.
> 6) Help.  We've discussed this before...
> Well, there we are!  Should I gather some postgraduate students and
> tell them to get cracking with some coding?
> cheers,
> Alasdair
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