denominator of really complicated expression

So, Robert was very much correct about the speed of save vs. stringout:
save takes 0.14 seconds
stringout takes roughly 300 seconds

So that's about a 2000 times speed up.

But, this leaves me with a bit of a daunting parsing task.  There are
some people who have written python programs for parsing lisp and I
have a little lisp experience from writing scheme scripts for the
gimp.  So, I am going to give this a try.  I do need some help though
with getting started.  I may try a simpler problem at first and that
may clear some things up.

How do I interpret this (the start of my lisp output):
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; package:maxima; syntax:common-lisp; -*-
(in-package "MAXIMA")
(DSKSETQ |$bv3|
         '((MTIMES SIMP)
           ((MPLUS SIMP)
            ((MTIMES SIMP) |$s|
             ((MPLUS SIMP)
              ((MTIMES SIMP) 2 |$abeam|
               ((MEXPT SIMP RATSIMP) |$betabeam| 3) |$c4beam| |$Kact|
               |$kbase| |$kj1| |$kj2| ((MEXPT SIMP RATSIMP) |$Lbeam| 2)
               |$ml2| |$rl2| $TAU)

To convert this to a string that would be placed in a program for
python or fortran or whatever, are all the MTIMES SIMP operators
basically multiplication signs so that this nested lisp expression is
something like (* (+ (* s (+ (* 2 abeam (....

Does ((MEXPT SIMP RATSIMP) |$betabeam| 3) =>betabeam^3?

Are all the |var| really absolute values or is that a lisp/maxima delimiter?

Thanks for you help,


On 11/22/05, Robert Dodier  wrote:
> On 11/22/05, Ryan Krauss  wrote:
> > Is there a faster way to pass the output to Python or to save it to a
> > file that can be read by other programs?
> It's likely that the "save" function will be faster, since save
> stores Lisp expressions instead of Maxima expressions
> (so formatting the output is probably faster).
> Lisp expressions might be easier for Python to handle, too.
> For what it's worth,
> Robert Dodier