Fwd: Maxima wishlist

El Miércoles, 23 de Noviembre de 2005 02:10, Robert Dodier escribió:

> 2) Graph theory.  Creating graphs (weighted, unweighted, directed,
> undirected), drawing graphs (this would require another plotting
> package to gnuplot), modifying graphs, testing for planarity, euler
> and hamiltonian paths and circuits.  Minimal spanning trees, shortest
> paths, coloring and matching, flow algorithms.

Some months ago I found the attached file, which is a graph package written in
2002 by Martin Ruby for Maxima. I have not tested it, but maybe it's a good
starting point.

Now that gnuplot is mentioned, I'd like to hear your opinions about the future
of the binomial (maxima+gnuplot), I think this dependency could be an
obstacle for future (or present) developments of Maxima; graphs are just an
example, but multiple parametric surfaces, animations, interactivity or
multivariate statiscal plotting are now crossing my mind. My ideal is
something like Wolfram's Mathematica (but better ;)

> 3) Boolean algebra and logic.  Simplification of boolean expressions,
> truth tables, satisfyability, disjuntive and conjunctive canonical
> forms, checking for tautologies and contradictions.

Long time ago I wrote such a package for the muMath algebra system (did I
write it in muSimp? don't remember). I'll try to find it and get some

Hasta la vista.

Mario Rodriguez Riotorto

Attached file: graphs.lisp