There are lisp systems that use GMP for bignum arithmetic.
In which case all these are available, I think.
There are lisp systems that do not use GMP for bignum arithmetic.
They are probably faster for small number computations (64 bits or less,
and maybe much faster for 28 bits or less), but are not really
competitive with GMP for dealing with big numbers.
So it does not make sense to build these on top of Maxima, I
Either they are there underneath, or are too slow to be
seriously interesting.
Any thoughts from others? wrote:
>>1) Good number theory package. Since Maxima uses arbitrary precision
>>arithmetic, this should be accompanied by a good computational number
>>theory package: modular powers, inverses, extended euclidean
>>algorithm, chinese remainder theorem, factorization (using all the
>>best methods, up to and including the number field sieve), discrete
>>logarithms, modular square and nth roots, primitive roots.
> Hello,
> some functions are already available.
> Maxima functions EZGCD, GCD, GCDEX, FACTOR, ....
> And there is a new package ifactor.lisp from Andrej Vodopivec in cvs in share/contrib
> which contains factorizing, primality testing at Maxima level and modular expt at Lisp
> level. It will be updated in the next days.
> I am interested in doing some work in this field. If you have algorithms, that should be
> implemented, send me a copy.
> I would like to add one thing to the wishlist:
> The functions in src on Lisp level should be commented and documented. This would be
> useful for developing Maxima.
> Greetings
> Volker van Nek