hello daniel,
by the way, i recommend pretty strongly to download and install
maxima 5.9.2 -- a lot of things have changed since 5.9.1.
for windows you want maxima-5.9.2.exe (self-contained installer) at:
> Why this ? i cannot use batch mode.I try this command
> BATCH("asympa.mc");who is in the help file !
the maxima 5.9.1 help text is out of date.
> (%i1) BATCH("asympa.mc");
> Could not find `asympa.mc' using paths in FILE_SEARCH_MAXIMA (combined
> values:
the file was renamed from "asympa.mc" to "asympa.mac" at some time.
try this: batch (asympa);
or this: batch ("asympa.mac");
hope this helps,
robert dodier