Re: proposal to change acosh

>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis  writes:

    Barton>    (3) Fix mul so that 1.0 * x --> 1.0 * x and 1.0b0 * x --> 1.0b0 * x.

In simp.lisp, change defun testt from

(defun testt (x)
  (cond ((mnump x) x)
	((null (cddr x)) (cadr x))
	((onep1 (cadr x))
	 (cond ((null (cdddr x)) (caddr x)) (t (rplacd x (cddr x)))))
	(t (testtneg x))))


(defun testt (x)
  (cond ((mnump x) x)
	((null (cddr x)) (cadr x))
	((and (fixnump (cadr x)) (= 1 (cadr x)))   ;; <--- changed!
	 (cond ((null (cdddr x)) (caddr x)) (t (rplacd x (cddr x)))))
	(t (testtneg x))))

Don't know what other implications this might have.  I haven't tried
building/testing with this change yet.
