Re: proposal to change acosh

Wouldn't it be sufficient to do  (eql 1 (cadr x)) instead of 
(and(fixnump...)(= 1 ..))  ?
If (cadr x) were not a fixnum, it certainly wouldn't be eql to 1.

..  (Barton's correction??)
.. also, I think it would be appropriate to extensively comment this 
function, while
... you have figured out what it does.

>(defun testt (x)
>  (cond ((mnump x) x)
>	((null (cddr x)) (cadr x))
>	((and (fixnump (cadr x)) (= 1 (cadr x)))   ;; <--- changed!
>	 (cond ((null (cdddr x)) (caddr x)) (t (rplacd x (cddr x)))))
>	(t (testtneg x))))