On Wed, 2005-30-11 at 11:19 -0800, Richard Fateman wrote:
> Try
> foo([a]):= a[1]+a[2];
> foo(3,4); -> 7
> foo(3,4,5); -> still 7.
> you get the idea?
> There are other issues about what to do if you don't
> want to evaluate the arguments, as might be the case
> for plotting.
This is, of course my goal ;-)
Thanks Richard and Chris, I have managed to produce the behaviour I am
looking for but am wondering whether this could have been done in a more
efficient manner:
polarplot(expr,range,[xyrange]) :=
block([theta_var:range[1]], set_plot_option([nticks,500]),
if (length(xyrange)=0) then
set_plot_option([gnuplot_preamble,"set key off; set size ratio -1"]),
plot2d(['parametric, cos(theta_var)*expr, sin(theta_var)*expr, range]))
else (if (length(xyrange)=1) then
plot2d( ['parametric, cos(theta_var)*expr, sin(theta_var)*expr, range],
xrange, [gnuplot_preamble,"set key off; set size ratio -1"]))
(xrange:xyrange[1], yrange:xyrange[2],
plot2d( ['parametric, cos(theta_var)*expr, sin(theta_var)*expr, range],
xrange, yrange, [gnuplot_preamble,"set key off; set size ratio -1"]))
Thanks, Bob
Dr. Robert J. Jerrard, Professor of Mathematics,
Concordia University College of Alberta,
7128 Ada Blvd., Edmonton, Alberta, T5B 4E4, Canada.
Phone: (780) 479-9291, Fax: (780) 474-1933.
Dr. Robert J. Jerrard, Professor of Mathematics,
Concordia University College of Alberta,
7128 Ada Blvd., Edmonton, Alberta, T5B 4E4, Canada.
Phone: (780) 479-9291, Fax: (780) 474-1933.