>>>>> "Klaus" == Schnitzlein writes:
Klaus> using emaxima I encountered that lower case letters are generally
Klaus> transformed into capital letters in the TeX output.
Klaus> Is there a way to prevent this?
I'm not familiar with emaxima, so I can't help there.
Klaus> Moreover, I recognized that sometimes variables consisting of a letter
Klaus> and a number, i.e. c1, are represented as C_1 in TeX-output, but this
Klaus> is not true for any number.
Klaus> How can I understand that or how can I fix this problem?
What version of maxima are you running. The current CVS version does
tex(abc123) -> $$abc_{123}$$
Klaus> In addition, greek letters are as far as I know are converted to their
Klaus> representative TeX-analogue, i.e. Phi --> \Phi. Is this true for
Klaus> every greek character?
A quick look through src/mactex.lisp says these lowercase variables
are converted to lowercase TeX Greek characters:
alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa mu nu xi
pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega
I can't remember if this is all of the Greek letters or not. The
following uppercase variables are converted to uppercase Greek
Gamma Delta Theta Lambda Xi Pi Sigma Upsilon Phi Psi Omega
I think all the other uppercase letters are the same as the uppercase
Roman letters, so nothing special is done for them.