advice on lognumer wrote on 12/01/2005 11:29:36 AM:

> I think we can make lognumer really hard to change to true
> by adding it to some list kept by msetq.
> I think that the "killer application" for maxima, if there is
> one, is education., so needs of calc students may, in fact,
> be important in that context.

(0) I think some Maxima features were added just because
somebody thought it was cute at the moment. Inertia 
preserves the feature. I don't know, but it doesn't
seem that every Maxima feature was subject to a rigorous 

(1) The 'logabs' option should keep calculus students
and teachers happy. 

(2) When lognumer is true, I sill don't know what to
do with log(1.23 + %i * 0.97). That's my question. 
