A few short questions

On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 07:32:21PM +1100, Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
> 5) ODE's with an extra parameter.  My first year calculus students cut their
>    teeth on the sort of simple DE's which contain a proportionality constant
>    and two initial conditions:
>    dy/dx = ky(1-y), y(0)=1, y(10)=2
>    for example.  So they need to determine k as well as the constant of
>    integration.  I've been experimenting, but have yet to find an easy natural
>    way of solving such equations.

I've found that students learn at lot by looking at the geometry of
the problem, even before they learn analitical techniques.

I think your example has no answer, but in any case, what I propose is
something like this (maxima 5.9.2):


the student can then move the slider and conclude that, independently of the
value of k (at least in the interval (0.1,5)), the solution will always
end up in the stable equilibrium point y(10)=1.
