Subject: proposed release schedule for maxima 5.9.3
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2005 11:23:19 -0500
>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier writes:
Robert> Hello,
Robert> There has been a lot of development in the Maxima project
Robert> since the release of 5.9.2 on October 11 and I think users
Robert> should have the benefit of those changes.
Robert> Therefore I propose the following schedule for the release
Robert> of Maxima 5.9.3.
Robert> Dec 15 -- tag the 5.9.3 branch and begin making release candidates
Robert> Jan 15 -- release 5.9.3
Robert> That would put the 5.9.3 release just about 3 months
Robert> after the 5.9.2 release.
Robert> Success of this scheme mostly depends on cleaning up
Robert> any works in progress. Maybe the schedule above needs
Robert> to be pushed back a bit.
Seems to be very short notice. But this is ok with me. I would like
to see Barton's bigfloat work get in, though, if he thinks he can.