proposed release schedule for maxima 5.9.3


before 5.9.3 is going out I would like to have some problems solved.
I hope there is someone who can help.

1. bugs 132888 and 1356617: function $describe fails
Today I have posted something to 1328888. The $describe problem is related to a 
$compile problem. Does someone know, where compile in Windows GCL creates the 
temporary gazonk files? 

2. bug 1328900 missing line break in 5.9.2 output
(C1) load("F:\\home\\maxima\\stringproc");
(D1) 		        F:/home/maxima/stringproc.lisp
(C2) for n from 0 thru 10 do sprint(fib(n))$0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
(C3) printf(true,"~5,2f ~5,2f~%",1.2345,9.8765)$ 1.23  9.88

That is not really pretty printing!

3. bug 1343323 Windows firewall / 5.9.2 fails to work on windows xp sp2
Some of my students report this problem too, but none of them could fix this problem.
It seems that it has nothing to do with the kind of service packs. My idea is, that it could 
be the freeware firewall 'zone alarm', which a lot of people use. But up to now I had no 
chance to examine that in detail.
Are there any experiences?

Volker van Nek