proposed release schedule for maxima 5.9.3

> 1) Keep English language stuff in privileged position - always 
> processed, always installed, installation goes into /doc/info
> (not /doc/info/en).  After all this is original documentation.
> It also make sense as a fall back (default) documentation if
> localized one can't be found.
> 2) Put English documentation on equal footing with
> all other languages.
> Personally I prefer (1).  Any opinions?

English documentation is the main reference and it needs, say, a special
'status'. It must be always there, since locale versions may be outdated
or incomplete. So point 1) is ok with me too.

> It depends on on the English documentation above.
> If (1) then English documentation (and all other
> English language specific things) resides in main maxima
> rpm package.  In this scheme main maxima package remains
> virtually unchanged (compared to current maxima 5.9.2).
> Want translation to other language?
> Install extra maxima-lang- package.

Seems reasonable too. I migrated to ubuntu linux last week (by the
way, :-O ) All programs were in English by default, and it was easy and
very quick to perform the translations by simply downloading and
installing the Spanish packages for OpenOffice, Mozilla, ...following
the same steps in all cases, easy and clean.

I suppose this procedure would be also possible for Windows users.

Mario Rodriguez Riotorto