describe & newline problems, was: proposed release schedule for maxima 5.9.3
Subject: describe & newline problems, was: proposed release schedule for maxima 5.9.3
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 13:47:40 -0700
On 12/9/05, wrote:
> 1. bugs 132888 and 1356617: function $describe fails
> Today I have posted something to 1328888.
> The $describe problem is related to a $compile problem.
> Does someone know, where compile in Windows GCL
> creates the temporary gazonk files?
the "describe" problem happens because maxima
calls lisp COMPILE in cl-info.lisp. GCL wants to write
intermediate files in the current directory. this problem
has been reported to the GCL project.
i have committed a change to cl-info.lisp to #-gcl
the calls to COMPILE. we can reenable the calls
when GCL fixes COMPILE's use of intermediate files.
i have looked for other calls to COMPILE, and i believe
the only other call is from $COMPILE; i don't believe
COMPILE is called incidentally to some unrelated
function exception for in cl-info.lisp.
> 2. bug 1328900 missing line break in 5.9.2 output
> (C1) load("F:\\home\\maxima\\stringproc");
> (D1) F:/home/maxima/stringproc.lisp
> (C2) for n from 0 thru 10 do sprint(fib(n))$0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
> (C3) printf(true,"~5,2f ~5,2f~%",1.2345,9.8765)$ 1.23 9.88
> That is not really pretty printing!
do i understand correctly that the above output was
generated in xmaxima ?
i have observed the same behavior in xmaxima in ms windows,
but the command line maxima (also in ms windows)
shows the output on the line after the input.
it appears that the behavior shown above is due
to xmaxima failing to echo the carriage return which
causes the input to be entered. i'm not sure what can
or should be done about that.
robert dodier