On 12/11/05, Paul RIVIER wrote:
> I take this opportunity to ask you if there is a work in progress to
> include a latex export as well.
not so far as i know.
> I can try to write a short document about how to
> convert tex syntax into latex syntax, in the form for exemple of :
> {{a} \over {b}} ---------------> \frac{a}{b}
> and so on ...
i think that would be very useful, although i can't make
any promises about when we'll make use of it to
program some new functions.
i wonder how we could allow the user to choose tex vs
latex vs amstex. i can see two options --
(1) create new functions latex and amstex,
then the user calls tex (a + b) or latex (a + b) or amstex (a + b)
to process appropriately for different packages.
(2) invent a global variable, say tex_flavor, and set
it to 'tex, 'latex, or 'amstex, without any new functions.
the user always writes tex (a + b) .
i'm in favor of (2), i think, since it would allow switching
between flavors without changing all the function calls.
hope this helps,
robert dodier