IRC for maxima?

> Hi Robert,
> > server :
> > port   : 6667
> > channel: #maxima
> That is an interesting idea. I've used IM programs to exchange
> code snippets with co-workers -- much more accurate than
> reading stuff over the telephone ...
> Since Maxima itself is not likely to attract a crowd if it is the
> sole topic of discussion, maybe we can barge in on some
> other channel which is devoted to a more general topic?
> A channel for discussion of scientific and mathematical
> software would be ideal. Comments?
> best,
> Robert Dodier

Hello Roberts,

there is a #math channel on freenode as well, but I never found there some
maxima-users. There are some mathematica-bots inside and they normaly use
them and the discussions are not program-specific, so I think #maxima is a
good thing.

Besides I think #maxima had a good start, there were around ten visitors on
the first day. I hope it gets some more traffic.

Kind regards,

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