texinfo translations reenabled

Hi Vadim,

> But what in you opinion is wrong with (2)?
> The only trouble I see -- we have to create Makefile.in
> by hands.  Just more work than with Makefile.am but
> not too much.  It also violate nice "all automake"
> scheme.  Not beautiful.

Well, I guess we can do that if all else fails.

> I don't share this attitude.  I can't go further with
> maxima.spec and Windows installer.  What about distros
> or individuals which want package maxima?
> Rely on prebuilt binaries only?  No way!
> This isn't way open source software exist.
> Broken configure/make/install
> is blocker bug for release.
> We have either to invent some work around
> or postpone Spanish and Portuguese documentation
> integration for next release.

Well, if you come up with a solution, I'll be the last one
to refuse it. Please devote as much effort to the problem
as you think it merits. As you know, my own efforts
were unsuccessful. It's too bad about that.

All the best,