Index: defsystem.lisp =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/clocc/clocc/src/defsystem-3.x/defsystem.lisp,v retrieving revision 1.102 diff -c -r1.102 defsystem.lisp *** defsystem.lisp 5 Sep 2005 18:39:21 -0000 1.102 --- defsystem.lisp 25 Feb 2006 00:34:55 -0000 *************** *** 886,892 **** (fboundp 'system::require)) #-:lispworks ! (in-package "LISP") #+:lispworks (in-package "SYSTEM") --- 886,892 ---- (fboundp 'system::require)) #-:lispworks ! (in-package :lisp) #+:lispworks (in-package "SYSTEM") *************** *** 1024,1030 **** ;;; The code below, is originally executed also for CMUCL. However I ;;; believe this is wrong, since CMUCL comes with its own defpackage. ;;; I added the extra :CMU in the 'or'. ! #+(and :cltl2 (not (or :cmu :clisp :sbcl (and :excl (or :allegro-v4.0 :allegro-v4.1)) :mcl))) (eval-when (compile load eval) --- 1024,1030 ---- ;;; The code below, is originally executed also for CMUCL. However I ;;; believe this is wrong, since CMUCL comes with its own defpackage. ;;; I added the extra :CMU in the 'or'. ! #+(and :cltl2 (not (or :cmu :scl :clisp :sbcl (and :excl (or :allegro-v4.0 :allegro-v4.1)) :mcl))) (eval-when (compile load eval) *************** *** 1047,1053 **** #+(or :cltl2 :lispworks :scl) (eval-when (compile load eval) ! (in-package "MAKE")) #+ecl (in-package "MAKE") --- 1047,1053 ---- #+(or :cltl2 :lispworks :scl) (eval-when (compile load eval) ! (in-package :make)) #+ecl (in-package "MAKE") *************** *** 1172,1192 **** #| #-(or :sbcl :cmu :ccl :allegro :excl :lispworks :symbolics) (eval-when (compile load eval) ! (import *exports* #-(or :cltl2 :lispworks) "USER" ! #+(or :cltl2 :lispworks) "COMMON-LISP-USER") ! (import *special-exports* #-(or :cltl2 :lispworks) "USER" ! #+(or :cltl2 :lispworks) "COMMON-LISP-USER")) #+(or :sbcl :cmu :ccl :allegro :excl :lispworks :symbolics) (eval-when (compile load eval) ! (import *exports* #-(or :cltl2 :lispworks) "USER" ! #+(or :cltl2 :lispworks) "COMMON-LISP-USER") (shadowing-import *special-exports* ! #-(or :cltl2 :lispworks) "USER" ! #+(or :cltl2 :lispworks) "COMMON-LISP-USER")) |# ! #-(or :PCL :CLOS :scl) ! (when (find-package "PCL") (pushnew :pcl *modules*) (pushnew :pcl *features*)) --- 1172,1192 ---- #| #-(or :sbcl :cmu :ccl :allegro :excl :lispworks :symbolics) (eval-when (compile load eval) ! (import *exports* #-(or :cltl2 :lispworks) :user ! #+(or :cltl2 :lispworks) :common-lisp-user) ! (import *special-exports* #-(or :cltl2 :lispworks) :user ! #+(or :cltl2 :lispworks) :common-lisp-user)) #+(or :sbcl :cmu :ccl :allegro :excl :lispworks :symbolics) (eval-when (compile load eval) ! (import *exports* #-(or :cltl2 :lispworks) :user ! #+(or :cltl2 :lispworks) :common-lisp-user) (shadowing-import *special-exports* ! #-(or :cltl2 :lispworks) :user ! #+(or :cltl2 :lispworks) :common-lisp-user)) |# ! #-(or :pcl :clos :scl) ! (when (find-package :pcl) (pushnew :pcl *modules*) (pushnew :pcl *features*)) *************** *** 1203,1209 **** ;;; ******************************** (defvar *dont-redefine-require* ! #+cmu (if (find-symbol "*MODULE-PROVIDER-FUNCTIONS*" "EXT") t nil) #+(or clisp sbcl) t #+allegro t #-(or cmu sbcl clisp allegro) nil --- 1203,1209 ---- ;;; ******************************** (defvar *dont-redefine-require* ! #+cmu (if (find-symbol "*MODULE-PROVIDER-FUNCTIONS*" :ext) t nil) #+(or clisp sbcl) t #+allegro t #-(or cmu sbcl clisp allegro) nil *************** *** 1231,1238 **** #-cormanlisp (defun home-subdirectory (directory) (concatenate 'string ! #+(or :sbcl :cmu :scl) "home:" #-(or :sbcl :cmu :scl) (let ((homedir (user-homedir-pathname))) (or (and homedir (namestring homedir)) --- 1231,1239 ---- #-cormanlisp (defun home-subdirectory (directory) (concatenate 'string ! #+(or :sbcl :cmu) "home:" + #+scl "file://home/" #-(or :sbcl :cmu :scl) (let ((homedir (user-homedir-pathname))) (or (and homedir (namestring homedir)) *************** *** 1436,1442 **** ;; PA is Precision Architecture, HP's 9000/800 RISC cpu #+(and Lucid PA) ("lisp" . "hbin") #+excl ("cl" . ,(pathname-type (compile-file-pathname ""))) ! #+(or :cmu :scl) ("lisp" . ,(or (c:backend-fasl-file-type c:*backend*) "fasl")) ; #+(and :CMU (not (or :sgi :sparc))) ("lisp" . "fasl") ; #+(and :CMU :sgi) ("lisp" . "sgif") ; #+(and :CMU :sparc) ("lisp" . "sparcf") --- 1437,1443 ---- ;; PA is Precision Architecture, HP's 9000/800 RISC cpu #+(and Lucid PA) ("lisp" . "hbin") #+excl ("cl" . ,(pathname-type (compile-file-pathname ""))) ! #+(or cmu scl) ("lisp" . ,(or (c:backend-fasl-file-type c:*backend*) "fasl")) ; #+(and :CMU (not (or :sgi :sparc))) ("lisp" . "fasl") ; #+(and :CMU :sgi) ("lisp" . "sgif") ; #+(and :CMU :sparc) ("lisp" . "sparcf") *************** *** 1719,1724 **** --- 1720,1728 ---- (machine-type-translation "PC/386" "x86") ;;; CLisp Win32 + ;;; SCL. + (machine-type-translation "AMD64" "amd64") + #+(and :lucid :sun :mc68000) (machine-type-translation "unknown" "sun3") *************** *** 1766,1772 **** (defun compiler-type-translation (name &optional operation) (if operation (setf (gethash (string-upcase name) *compiler-type-alist*) operation) ! (gethash (string-upcase name) *compiler-type-alist*))) (compiler-type-translation "lispworks 3.2.1" "lispworks") --- 1770,1776 ---- (defun compiler-type-translation (name &optional operation) (if operation (setf (gethash (string-upcase name) *compiler-type-alist*) operation) ! (gethash (string-upcase name) *compiler-type-alist*))) (compiler-type-translation "lispworks 3.2.1" "lispworks") *************** *** 1800,1805 **** --- 1804,1814 ---- (compiler-type-translation "cmu 17e" "cmu") (compiler-type-translation "cmu 17d" "cmu") + (compiler-type-translation "scl 1.2.7" "scl") + (compiler-type-translation "scl 1.2.8" "scl") + (compiler-type-translation "scl 1.2.9" "scl") + (compiler-type-translation "scl 1.2.10" "scl") + ;;; ******************************** ;;; System Names ******************* *************** *** 1897,1902 **** --- 1906,1912 ---- ;;; "[root.][subdir]BAZ" ;;; Use #+:vaxlisp for VAXLisp 3.0, #+(and vms dec common vax) for v2.2 + #-scl (defun new-append-directories (absolute-dir relative-dir) ;; Version of append-directories for CLtL2-compliant lisps. In particular, ;; they must conform to section 23.1.3 "Structured Directories". We are *************** *** 1984,1990 **** #+(or :sbcl :MCL :clisp) rel-type )))) ! (defun directory-to-list (directory) ;; The directory should be a list, but nonstandard implementations have ;; been known to use a vector or even a string. --- 1994,2000 ---- #+(or :sbcl :MCL :clisp) rel-type )))) ! #-scl (defun directory-to-list (directory) ;; The directory should be a list, but nonstandard implementations have ;; been known to use a vector or even a string. *************** *** 2057,2063 **** ||# - (defun append-directories (absolute-directory relative-directory) "There is no CL primitive for tacking a subdirectory onto a directory. We need such a function because defsystem has both absolute and --- 2067,2072 ---- *************** *** 2082,2091 **** relative-directory) ;; For use with logical pathnames package. (append-logical-directories-mk absolute-directory relative-directory)) ! |# ((namestring-probably-logical absolute-directory) ;; A simplistic stab at handling logical pathnames (append-logical-pnames absolute-directory relative-directory)) (t ;; In VMS, merge-pathnames actually does what we want!!! #+:VMS --- 2091,2102 ---- relative-directory) ;; For use with logical pathnames package. (append-logical-directories-mk absolute-directory relative-directory)) ! |# ! #-scl ((namestring-probably-logical absolute-directory) ;; A simplistic stab at handling logical pathnames (append-logical-pnames absolute-directory relative-directory)) + #-scl (t ;; In VMS, merge-pathnames actually does what we want!!! #+:VMS *************** *** 2096,2102 **** :name relative-directory)) ;; Cross your fingers and pray. #-(or :VMS :macl1.3.2) ! (new-append-directories absolute-directory relative-directory))))) #+:logical-pathnames-mk --- 2107,2127 ---- :name relative-directory)) ;; Cross your fingers and pray. #-(or :VMS :macl1.3.2) ! (new-append-directories absolute-directory relative-directory)) ! #+scl ! (t ! (let ((absolute (pathname (or absolute-directory "")))) ! (when (or (pathname-name absolute) (pathname-type absolute)) ! (let* ((directory (or (pathname-directory absolute) '(:relative))) ! (directory (append directory (list (file-namestring absolute))))) ! (setf absolute (make-pathname :directory directory ! :name nil ! :type nil ! :version nil ! :defaults absolute)))) ! (ext:resolve-pathname (or relative-directory "") ! absolute)))))) ! #+:logical-pathnames-mk *************** *** 2181,2186 **** --- 2206,2212 ---- (defun logical-pathname-p (thing) (typep (parse-namestring thing) 'logical-pathname)) + #-scl (defun pathname-logical-p (thing) (typecase thing (logical-pathname t) *************** *** 2195,2200 **** --- 2221,2227 ---- ;;; 19990707 Marco Antoniotti ;;; old version + #-scl (defun namestring-probably-logical (namestring) (and (stringp namestring) ;; unix pathnames don't have embedded semicolons *************** *** 2234,2239 **** --- 2261,2267 ---- ||# + #-scl (defun append-logical-pnames (absolute relative) (declare (type (or null string pathname) absolute relative)) (let ((abs (if absolute *************** *** 2317,2325 **** ||# - ;;; The following is a change proposed by DTC for SCL. - ;;; Maybe it could be used all the time. - #-scl (defun new-file-type (pathname type) ;; why not (make-pathname :type type :defaults pathname)? --- 2345,2350 ---- *************** *** 2331,2348 **** :type type :version (pathname-version pathname))) - #+scl (defun new-file-type (pathname type) ! ;; why not (make-pathname :type type :defaults pathname)? ! (make-pathname ! :host (pathname-host pathname :case :common) ! :device (pathname-device pathname :case :common) ! :directory (pathname-directory pathname :case :common) ! :name (pathname-name pathname :case :common) ! :type (string-upcase type) ! :version (pathname-version pathname :case :common))) ! ;;; ******************************** --- 2356,2364 ---- :type type :version (pathname-version pathname))) #+scl (defun new-file-type (pathname type) ! (make-pathname :type type :defaults pathname)) ;;; ******************************** *************** *** 2547,2553 **** (when path (gethash path *file-load-time-table*))))))))) ! #-(or :cmu) (defsetf component-load-time (component) (value) `(when ,component (etypecase ,component --- 2563,2569 ---- (when path (gethash path *file-load-time-table*))))))))) ! #-(or :cmu :scl) (defsetf component-load-time (component) (value) `(when ,component (etypecase ,component *************** *** 2572,2578 **** ,value))))))) ,value)) ! #+(or :cmu) (defun (setf component-load-time) (value component) (declare (type (or null string pathname component) component) --- 2588,2594 ---- ,value))))))) ,value)) ! #+(or :cmu :scl) (defun (setf component-load-time) (value component) (declare (type (or null string pathname component) component) *************** *** 2933,2939 **** ;; Added COMPONENT-NAME extraction to :NAME part, in case the ;; PATHNAME-NAME is NIL. ! (cond ((pathname-logical-p pathname) ; See definition of test above. (setf pathname (merge-pathnames pathname (make-pathname --- 2949,2956 ---- ;; Added COMPONENT-NAME extraction to :NAME part, in case the ;; PATHNAME-NAME is NIL. ! (cond #-scl ! ((pathname-logical-p pathname) ; See definition of test above. (setf pathname (merge-pathnames pathname (make-pathname *************** *** 2941,2967 **** :type (component-extension component type)))) (namestring (translate-logical-pathname pathname))) (t (namestring (make-pathname :host (or (component-host component) (pathname-host pathname)) ! :directory (pathname-directory pathname ! #+scl :case ! #+scl :common ! ) ! ! :name (or (pathname-name pathname ! #+scl :case ! #+scl :common ! ) (component-name component)) ! :type ! #-scl (component-extension component type) ! #+scl (string-upcase ! (component-extension component type)) ! :device #+sbcl :unspecific --- 2958,2974 ---- :type (component-extension component type)))) (namestring (translate-logical-pathname pathname))) + #-scl (t (namestring (make-pathname :host (or (component-host component) (pathname-host pathname)) ! :directory (pathname-directory pathname) ! :name (or (pathname-name pathname) (component-name component)) ! :type (component-extension component type) :device #+sbcl :unspecific *************** *** 2972,2978 **** #+scl :common )) ;; :version :newest ! )))))) #-lispworks --- 2979,2992 ---- #+scl :common )) ;; :version :newest ! ))) ! #+scl ! (t ! (make-pathname ! :name (component-name component) ! :type (component-extension component type) ! :defaults pathname ! :case :uri))))) #-lispworks *************** *** 4403,4409 **** (pushnew 'sbcl-mk-defsystem-module-provider sb-ext:*module-provider-functions*) ) ! #+#.(cl:if (cl:and (cl:find-package "EXT") (cl:find-symbol "*MODULE-PROVIDER-FUNCTIONS*" "EXT")) '(and) '(or)) (progn (defun cmucl-mk-defsystem-module-provider (name) (let ((module-name (string-downcase (string name)))) --- 4417,4423 ---- (pushnew 'sbcl-mk-defsystem-module-provider sb-ext:*module-provider-functions*) ) ! #+#.(cl:if (cl:and (cl:find-package :ext) (cl:find-symbol "*MODULE-PROVIDER-FUNCTIONS*" :ext)) '(and) '(or)) (progn (defun cmucl-mk-defsystem-module-provider (name) (let ((module-name (string-downcase (string name)))) *************** *** 4474,4480 **** (defmacro define-language (name &key compiler loader source-extension binary-extension) ! (let ((language (gensym "LANGUAGE"))) `(let ((,language (make-language :name ,name :compiler ,compiler :loader ,loader --- 4488,4494 ---- (defmacro define-language (name &key compiler loader source-extension binary-extension) ! (let ((language (gensym (symbol-name '#:language)))) `(let ((,language (make-language :name ,name :compiler ,compiler :loader ,loader *************** *** 4688,4694 **** (setf verbose-stream (make-useable-stream ! #+cmu error-file-stream (and verbose *trace-output*))) (format verbose-stream "Running ~A~@[ ~{~A~^ ~}~]~%" --- 4702,4708 ---- (setf verbose-stream (make-useable-stream ! #+(or cmu scl) error-file-stream (and verbose *trace-output*))) (format verbose-stream "Running ~A~@[ ~{~A~^ ~}~]~%" *************** *** 4703,4709 **** (make-useable-stream error-file-stream (if (eq error-output t) *error-output* ! error-output))) (process (ext:run-program program arguments :error error-output))) --- 4717,4723 ---- (make-useable-stream error-file-stream (if (eq error-output t) *error-output* ! error-output))) (process (ext:run-program program arguments :error error-output))) *************** *** 4934,4942 **** ;; DeSoi [marcoxa at 20020529] (ensure-directories-exist ! (make-pathname ! :host (pathname-host output-file) ! :directory (pathname-directory output-file))) (or *oos-test* (apply (compile-function component) --- 4948,4957 ---- ;; DeSoi [marcoxa at 20020529] (ensure-directories-exist ! (make-pathname :name nil ! :type nil ! :version nil ! :defaults output-file)) (or *oos-test* (apply (compile-function component) *************** *** 4970,4977 **** ;;; See CLOCC/PORT/sys.lisp:compiled-file-p (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute :compile-toplevel) ! (when (find-package "PORT") ! (import (find-symbol "COMPILED-FILE-P" "PORT")))) (unless (fboundp 'compiled-file-p) (defun compiled-file-p (file-name) --- 4985,4992 ---- ;;; See CLOCC/PORT/sys.lisp:compiled-file-p (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute :compile-toplevel) ! (when (find-package :port) ! (import (find-symbol (symbol-name '#:compiled-file-p) :port)))) (unless (fboundp 'compiled-file-p) (defun compiled-file-p (file-name)