;;; Putting prefix package name to the variable does cause ;;; error when the file is loaded into older clisp, e.g. 2.29. ;;; I changed it so that it checks the existence of the symbol ;;; in the custom package prior to accessing it. ;;; by yasuaki honda 2006/02/26 ;;; ;;; When imaxima-setup bug in imaxima.el was fixed, ;;; it became clear that the following code does not work ;;; when imaxima.lisp is loaded by: ;;; %i1 load("/xxx/imaxima.lisp"); ;;; Putting prefix package name to the variable solves the ;;; issue. ;;; by yasuaki honda #+clisp (let ((scr (find-symbol "*SUPPRESS-CHECK-REDEFINITION*" :CUSTOM))) (if scr (set scr t))) (in-package "MAXIMA") (declare-top (special lop rop $gcprint $inchar *autoconf-version*) (*expr tex-lbp tex-rbp)) (defun print-case-sensitive (obj) (cond ((string>= *autoconf-version* "") (print-invert-case obj)) (t (symbol-name obj)))) (defun diff-symbol () (cond ((string>= *autoconf-version* "") '$d) (t '$|d|))) (DEFUN MAIN-PROMPT () (FORMAT () (concatenate 'string (string (code-char 3)) "(~A~D) " (string (code-char 4))) (STRIPDOLLAR (print-case-sensitive $INCHAR)) $LINENUM)) (defun break-dbm-loop (at) (let* ( (*quit-tags* (cons (cons *break-level* *quit-tag*) *quit-tags*)) (*break-level* (if (not at) *break-level* (cons t *break-level*))) (*quit-tag* (cons nil nil)) (*break-env* *break-env*) (*mread-prompt* "") (*diff-bindlist* nil) (*diff-mspeclist* nil) val ) (declare (special *mread-prompt* )) (and (consp at) (set-env at)) (cond ((null at) ($frame 0 nil))) (catch 'step-continue (catch *quit-tag* (unwind-protect (do () (()) (format *debug-io* (concatenate 'string (string (code-char 3)) "~&~@[(~a:~a) ~]" (string (code-char 4))) (unless (stringp at) "dbm") (length *quit-tags*)) (setq val (catch 'macsyma-quit (let ((res (dbm-read *debug-io* nil *top-eof* t))) (declare (special *mread-prompt*)) (cond ((and (consp res) (keywordp (car res))) (let ((value (break-call (car res) (cdr res) 'break-command))) (cond ((eq value :resume) (return))) )) (t (setq $__ (nth 2 res)) (setq $% (meval* $__)) (SETQ $_ $__) (displa $%) )) nil ))) (and (eql val 'top) (throw-macsyma-top)) ) (restore-bindings) ))))) (setq $display2d '$imaxima) ;; TeX-printing ;; (c) copyright 1987, Richard J. Fateman ;; Small changes for interfacing with TeXmacs: Andrey Grozin, 2001 ;; Yet more small changes for interfacing with imaxima: Jesper Harder 2001 #| (defun tex (x l r lop rop) ;; x is the expression of interest; l is the list of strings to its ;; left, r to its right. lop and rop are the operators on the left ;; and right of x in the tree, and will determine if parens must ;; be inserted (setq x (nformat x)) (cond ((atom x) (tex-atom x l r)) ((or (<= (tex-lbp (caar x)) (tex-rbp lop)) (> (tex-lbp rop) (tex-rbp (caar x)))) (tex-paren x l r)) ;; special check needed because macsyma notates arrays peculiarly ((memq 'array (cdar x)) (tex-array x l r)) ;; dispatch for object-oriented tex-ifiying ((get (caar x) 'tex) (funcall (get (caar x) 'tex) x l r)) (t (tex-function x l r nil)))) |# (defun tex-atom (x l r) ;; atoms: note: can we lose by leaving out {}s ? (append l (list (cond ((numberp x) (texnumformat x)) ((and (symbolp x) (get x 'texword))) ((stringp x) (texstring x)) ((characterp x) (texchar x)) (t (tex-stripdollar x)))) r)) (defun texstring (x) (cond ((equal x "") "") ((eql (elt x 0) #\\) x) (t (concatenate 'string "\\verb| " x " |")))) (defun texchar (x) (if (eql x #\|) "\\verb/|/" (concatenate 'string "\\verb|" (string x) "|"))) (defun myquote (str) (let ((var "") (charlist '((#\{ . "\\left\\{\\right.") (#\} . "\\left\\}\\right.") (#\# . "\\#") (#\$ . "\\$") (#\% . "\\%") (#\& . "\\&") (#\_ . "\\_")))) (dotimes (i (length str)) (let ((chari (elt str i))) (setq var (concatenate 'string var (or (cdr (assoc chari charlist)) (string chari)))))) var)) (defun tex-stripdollar (sym) (or (symbolp sym) (return-from tex-stripdollar sym)) (let* ((name (print-case-sensitive sym)) (pname (if (memq (elt name 0) '(#\$ #\&)) (subseq name 1) name)) (l (length pname))) (cond ((eql l 1) (myquote pname)) (t (concatenate 'string "\\mathrm{" (myquote pname) "}"))))) (defun strcat (&rest args) (apply #'concatenate 'string (mapcar #'string args))) #| ;; 10/14/87 RJF convert 1.2e20 to 1.2 \cdot 10^{20} ;; 03/30/01 RLT make that 1.2 \times 10^{20} (defun texnumformat(atom) (let (r firstpart exponent) (cond ((integerp atom) atom) (t (setq r (explode atom)) (setq exponent (member 'e r :test #'string-equal));; is it ddd.ddde+EE (cond ((null exponent) ;; it is not. go with it as given atom) (t (setq firstpart (nreverse (cdr (member 'e (reverse r) :test #'string-equal)))) (strcat (apply #'strcat firstpart ) " \\times 10^{" (apply #'strcat (cdr exponent)) "}"))))))) (defun tex-paren (x l r) (tex x (append l '("\\left(")) (cons "\\right)" r) 'mparen 'mparen)) (defun tex-array (x l r) (let ((f)) (if (eq 'mqapply (caar x)) (setq f (cadr x) x (cdr x)) (setq f (caar x))) (if (atom (cadr x)) ;; subscript is an atom -- don't use \isubscript (progn (setq l (tex (texword f) l nil lop 'mfunction) r (nconc (tex-list (cdr x) nil (list "}") ",") r)) (nconc l (list "_{") r)) (progn (setq l (tex (texword f) (append l (list "\\isubscript{")) nil lop 'mfunction) r (nconc (tex-list (cdr x) nil (list "}") ",") r)) (nconc l (list "}{") r ))))) ;; we could patch this so sin x rather than sin(x), but instead we made sin a prefix ;; operator (defun tex-function (x l r op) op (setq l (tex (texword (caar x)) l nil 'mparen 'mparen) r (tex (cons '(mprogn) (cdr x)) nil r 'mparen 'mparen)) (nconc l r)) ;; set up a list , separated by symbols (, * ...) and then tack on the ;; ending item (e.g. "]" or perhaps ")" |# (defun tex-list (x l r sym) (if (null x) r (do ((nl)) ((null (cdr x)) (setq nl (nconc nl (tex (car x) l r 'mparen 'mparen))) nl) ;; (setq nl (nconc nl (tex (car x) l (list sym) 'mparen 'mparen)) (setq nl (nconc nl (tex (car x) l (list (concatenate 'string sym "\\linebreak[0]")) 'mparen 'mparen)) x (cdr x) l nil)))) #| (defun tex-prefix (x l r) (tex (cadr x) (append l (texsym (caar x))) r (caar x) rop)) (defun tex-infix (x l r) ;; check for 2 args (if (or (null (cddr x)) (cdddr x)) (wna-err (caar x))) (setq l (tex (cadr x) l nil lop (caar x))) (tex (caddr x) (append l (texsym (caar x))) r (caar x) rop)) (defun tex-postfix (x l r) (tex (cadr x) l (append (texsym (caar x)) r) lop (caar x))) (defun tex-nary (x l r) (let* ((op (caar x)) (sym (texsym op)) (y (cdr x)) (ext-lop lop) (ext-rop rop)) (cond ((null y) (tex-function x l r t)) ; this should not happen ((null (cdr y)) (tex-function x l r t)) ; this should not happen, too (t (do ((nl) (lop ext-lop op) (rop op (if (null (cdr y)) ext-rop op))) ((null (cdr y)) (setq nl (nconc nl (tex (car y) l r lop rop))) nl) (setq nl (nconc nl (tex (car y) l (list sym) lop rop)) y (cdr y) l nil)))))) (defun tex-nofix (x l r) (tex (caar x) l r (caar x) rop)) (defun tex-matchfix (x l r) (setq l (append l (car (texsym (caar x)))) ;; car of texsym of a matchfix operator is the lead op r (append (cdr (texsym (caar x))) r) ;; cdr is the trailing op x (tex-list (cdr x) nil r ",")) (append l x)) (defun texsym (x) (or (get x 'texsym) (get x 'strsym)(get x 'dissym) (stripdollar x))) (defun texword (x)(or (get x 'texword) (stripdollar x))) |# (defprop bigfloat tex-bigfloat tex) ;;; ;;; Fixed to treat big float correctly. ;;; (defun tex-bigfloat (x l r) (tex-list (fpformat x) l r nil)) #| (defprop mprog "\\mathbf{block}\\;" texword) (defprop %erf "\\mathrm{erf}" texword) (defprop $erf "\\mathrm{erf}" texword) ;; etc for multicharacter names (defprop $true "\\mathbf{true}" texword) (defprop $false "\\mathbf{false}" texword) (defprop mprogn tex-matchfix tex) ;; mprogn is (, ...) (defprop mprogn (("\\left(") "\\right)") texsym) (defprop mlist tex-matchfix tex) (defprop mlist (("\\left[ ")" \\right] ") texsym) ;;absolute value (defprop mabs tex-matchfix tex) (defprop mabs (("\\left| ")"\\right| ") texsym) (defprop mqapply tex-mqapply tex) (defun tex-mqapply (x l r) (setq l (tex (cadr x) l (list "(" ) lop 'mfunction) r (tex-list (cddr x) nil (cons ")" r) ",")) (append l r));; fixed 9/24/87 RJF (defprop $%i "i" texword) (defprop $%pi "\\pi" texword) (defprop $%e "e" texword) (defprop $inf "\\infty " texword) (defprop $minf " -\\infty " texword) (defprop %laplace "\\mathcal{L}" texword) ;; jah (defprop $alpha "\\alpha" texword) (defprop $beta "\\beta" texword) (defprop $gamma "\\gamma" texword) (defprop %gamma "\\Gamma" texword) (defprop $%gamma "\\gamma" texword) (defprop $delta "\\delta" texword) (defprop $epsilon "\\varepsilon" texword) (defprop $zeta "\\zeta" texword) (defprop $eta "\\eta" texword) (defprop $theta "\\vartheta" texword) (defprop $iota "\\iota" texword) (defprop $kappa "\\kappa" texword) ;; (defprop $lambda "\\lambda" texword) (defprop $mu "\\mu" texword) (defprop $nu "\\nu" texword) (defprop $xi "\\xi" texword) (defprop $pi "\\pi" texword) (defprop $rho "\\rho" texword) (defprop $sigma "\\sigma" texword) (defprop $tau "\\tau" texword) (defprop $upsilon "\\upsilon" texword) (defprop $phi "\\varphi" texword) (defprop $chi "\\chi" texword) (defprop $psi "\\psi" texword) (defprop $omega "\\omega" texword) (defprop mquote tex-prefix tex) (defprop mquote ("'") texsym) (defprop mquote 201. tex-rbp) (defprop msetq tex-infix tex) (defprop msetq (":") texsym) (defprop msetq 180. tex-rbp) (defprop msetq 20. tex-rbp) (defprop mset tex-infix tex) (defprop mset ("::") texsym) (defprop mset 180. tex-lbp) (defprop mset 20. tex-rbp) (defprop mdefine tex-infix tex) (defprop mdefine (":=") texsym) (defprop mdefine 180. tex-lbp) (defprop mdefine 20. tex-rbp) (defprop mdefmacro tex-infix tex) (defprop mdefmacro ("::=") texsym) (defprop mdefmacro 180. tex-lbp) (defprop mdefmacro 20. tex-rbp) (defprop marrow tex-infix tex) (defprop marrow ("\\rightarrow ") texsym) (defprop marrow 25 tex-lbp) (defprop marrow 25 tex-rbp) (defprop mfactorial tex-postfix tex) (defprop mfactorial ("!") texsym) (defprop mfactorial 160. tex-lbp) (defprop mexpt tex-mexpt tex) (defprop mexpt 140. tex-lbp) (defprop mexpt 139. tex-rbp) ;; insert left-angle-brackets for mncexpt. a^ is how a^^n looks. (defun tex-mexpt (x l r) (let((nc (eq (caar x) 'mncexpt))); true if a^^b rather than a^b ;; here is where we have to check for f(x)^b to be displayed ;; as f^b(x), as is the case for sin(x)^2 . ;; which should be sin^2 x rather than (sin x)^2 or (sin(x))^2. ;; yet we must not display (a+b)^2 as +^2(a,b)... ;; or (sin(x))^(-1) as sin^(-1)x, which would be arcsine x (cond ;; this whole clause ;; should be deleted if this hack is unwanted and/or the ;; time it takes is of concern. ;; it shouldn't be too expensive. ((and (eq (caar x) 'mexpt) ; don't do this hack for mncexpt (let* ((fx (cadr x)); this is f(x) (f (and (not (atom fx)) (atom (caar fx)) (caar fx))) ; this is f [or nil] (bascdr (and f (cdr fx))) ; this is (x) [maybe (x,y..), or nil] (expon (caddr x)) ;; this is the exponent (doit (and f ; there is such a function (memq (getchar f 1) '(% $)) ;; insist it is a % or $ function (not (eq (car (last (car fx))) 'array)) (not (memq f '(%sum %lsum %product %derivative %integrate %limit))) ;; what else? what a hack... (or (and (atom expon) (not (numberp expon))) ; f(x)^y is ok (and (atom expon) (numberp expon) (> expon 0)))))) ; f(x)^3 is ok, but not f(x)^-1, which could ; inverse of f, if written f^-1 x ; what else? f(x)^(1/2) is sqrt(f(x)), ?? (cond (doit (setq l (append (tex f l nil lop 'mexpt) (tex expon (list "^{") (cons " }" nil) 'mparen 'mparen))) (if (and (null (cdr bascdr)) (eq (get f 'tex) 'tex-prefix)) (setq r (tex (car bascdr) nil r f 'mparen)) (setq r (tex (cons '(mprogn) bascdr) nil r 'mparen 'mparen))) (append l r)) (t nil))))) ; won't doit. fall through (t (if (atom (caddr x)) ;; Don't use \iexpt when exponent is an atom (progn (setq l (tex (cadr x) l nil lop (caar x)) r (if (mmminusp (setq x (nformat (caddr x)))) ;; the change in base-line makes parens unnecessary (if nc (tex (cadr x) '("^ {-\\langle ")(cons "\\rangle }" r) 'mparen 'mparen) (tex (cadr x) '("^ {- ")(cons " }" r) 'mparen 'mparen)) (if nc (tex x (list "^{\\langle ")(cons "\\rangle}" r) 'mparen 'mparen) (tex x (list "^{")(cons "}" r) 'mparen 'mparen)))) (append l r)) (progn (setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l (list "\\iexpt{")) nil lop (caar x)) r (if (mmminusp (setq x (nformat (caddr x)))) ;; the change in base-line makes parens unnecessary (if nc (tex (cadr x) '("{-\\langle ")(cons "\\rangle }" r) 'mparen 'mparen) (tex (cadr x) '("{- ")(cons " }" r) 'mparen 'mparen)) (if nc (tex x (list "{\\langle ")(cons "\\rangle}" r) 'mparen 'mparen) (tex x (list "{") (cons "}" r) 'mparen 'mparen)))) (append l (list "}") r))))))) (defprop mncexpt tex-mexpt tex) (defprop mncexpt 135. tex-lbp) (defprop mncexpt 134. tex-rbp) (defprop mnctimes tex-nary tex) (defprop mnctimes "\\cdot " texsym) (defprop mnctimes 110. tex-lbp) (defprop mnctimes 109. tex-rbp) (defprop mtimes tex-nary tex) (defprop mtimes "\\*" texsym) (defprop mtimes 120. tex-lbp) (defprop mtimes 120. tex-rbp) (defprop %sqrt tex-sqrt tex) (defun tex-sqrt(x l r) ;; format as \\sqrt { } assuming implicit parens for sqr grouping (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\isqrt{")) (append '("}") r) 'mparen 'mparen)) ;; macsyma doesn't know about cube (or nth) roots, ;; but if it did, this is what it would look like. (defprop $cubrt tex-cubrt tex) (defun tex-cubrt (x l r) (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\root 3 \\of{")) (append '("}") r) 'mparen 'mparen)) (defprop mquotient tex-mquotient tex) (defprop mquotient ("\\over") texsym) (defprop mquotient 122. tex-lbp) ;;dunno about this (defprop mquotient 123. tex-rbp) (defun tex-mquotient (x l r) (if (or (null (cddr x)) (cdddr x)) (wna-err (caar x))) (cond ((and (atom (cadr x)) (atom (caddr x))) ;; both denom and numerator are atoms (setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\frac{")) nil nil nil) ;;fixme r (tex (caddr x) (list "}{") (append '("}")r) 'mparen 'mparen))) ((atom (cadr x)) ;; numerator is an atom (setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\ifracd{")) nil 'mparen 'mparen) r (tex (caddr x) (list "}{") (append '("}")r) 'mparen 'mparen))) ((atom (caddr x)) ;; denom is an atom (setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\ifracn{")) nil 'mparen 'mparen) r (tex (caddr x) (list "}{") (append '("}")r) 'mparen 'mparen))) (t ;; neither are atoms (setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\ifrac{")) nil 'mparen 'mparen) r (tex (caddr x) (list "}{") (append '("}")r) 'mparen 'mparen)))) (append l r)) (defprop $matrix tex-matrix tex) (defun tex-matrix(x l r) ;;matrix looks like ((mmatrix)((mlist) a b) ...) (append l `("\\pmatrix{") (mapcan #'(lambda(y) (tex-list (cdr y) nil (list "\\cr ") "&")) (cdr x)) '("}") r)) ;; macsyma sum or prod is over integer range, not low <= index <= high ;; TeX is lots more flexible .. but (defprop %sum tex-sum tex) (defprop %lsum tex-lsum tex) (defprop %product tex-sum tex) ;; easily extended to union, intersect, otherops (defun tex-lsum(x l r) (let ((op (cond ((eq (caar x) '%lsum) "\\sum_{") ;; extend here )) ;; gotta be one of those above (s1 (tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen rop));; summand (index ;; "index = lowerlimit" (tex `((min simp) , (caddr x), (cadddr x)) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen))) (append l `( ,op , at index "}}{" , at s1 "}") r))) (defun tex-sum(x l r) (let ((op (cond ((eq (caar x) '%sum) "\\sum_{") ((eq (caar x) '%product) "\\prod_{") ;; extend here )) ;; gotta be one of those above (s1 (tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen rop));; summand (index ;; "index = lowerlimit" (tex `((mequal simp) ,(caddr x),(cadddr x)) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)) (toplim (tex (car(cddddr x)) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen))) (append l `( ,op , at index "}^{" , at toplim "}{" , at s1 "}") r))) (defprop %integrate tex-int tex) (defun tex-int (x l r) (let ((s1 (tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen));;integrand delims / & d (var (tex (caddr x) nil nil 'mparen rop))) ;; variable (cond((= (length x) 3) (append l `("\\int {" , at s1 "}{\\;d" , at var "}") r)) (t ;; presumably length 5 (let ((low (tex (nth 3 x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)) ;; 1st item is 0 (hi (tex (nth 4 x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen))) (append l `("\\int_{" , at low "}^{" , at hi "}{" , at s1 "\\;d" , at var "}") r)))))) (defprop %limit tex-limit tex) (defun tex-limit(x l r) ;; ignoring direction, last optional arg to limit (let ((s1 (tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen rop));; limitfunction (subfun ;; the thing underneath "limit" (subst "\\rightarrow " '= (tex `((mequal simp) ,(caddr x),(cadddr x)) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)))) (append l `("\\lim_{" , at subfun "}{" , at s1 "}") r))) (defprop %at tex-at tex) ;; e.g. at(diff(f(x)),x=a) (defun tex-at (x l r) (let ((s1 (tex (cadr x) nil nil lop rop)) (sub (tex (caddr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen))) (append l '("\\left.") s1 '("\\right|_{") sub '("}") r))) (defprop mbox tex-mbox tex) (defun tex-mbox (x l r) (append l '("\\boxed{") (tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen) '("}") r)) (defprop mlabox tex-mlabox tex) (defun tex-mlabox (x l r) (append l '("\\stackrel{") (tex (caddr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen) '("}{\\boxed{") (tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen) '("}}") r)) ; jh ;;binomial coefficients (defprop %binomial tex-choose tex) (defun tex-choose (x l r) `(, at l "{" ,@(tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen) "\\choose " ,@(tex (caddr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen) "}" , at r)) (defprop rat tex-rat tex) (defprop rat 120. tex-lbp) (defprop rat 121. tex-rbp) (defun tex-rat(x l r) (tex-mquotient x l r)) (defprop mplus tex-mplus tex) (defprop mplus 100. tex-lbp) (defprop mplus 100. tex-rbp) (defun tex-mplus (x l r) ;(declare (fixnum w)) (cond ((memq 'trunc (car x))(setq r (cons "+\\cdots " r)))) (cond ((null (cddr x)) (if (null (cdr x)) (tex-function x l r t) (tex (cadr x) (cons "+" l) r 'mplus rop))) (t (setq l (tex (cadr x) l nil lop 'mplus) x (cddr x)) (do ((nl l) (dissym)) ((null (cdr x)) (if (mmminusp (car x)) (setq l (cadar x) dissym (list "-")) (setq l (car x) dissym (list "+"))) (setq r (tex l dissym r 'mplus rop)) (append nl r)) (if (mmminusp (car x)) (setq l (cadar x) dissym (list "-")) (setq l (car x) dissym (list "+"))) (setq nl (append nl (tex l dissym nil 'mplus 'mplus)) x (cdr x)))))) (defprop mminus tex-prefix tex) (defprop mminus ("-") texsym) (defprop mminus 100. tex-rbp) (defprop mminus 100. tex-lbp) (defprop min tex-infix tex) (defprop min ("\\in{") texsym) (defprop min 80. tex-lbp) (defprop min 80. tex-rbp) (defprop mequal tex-infix tex) (defprop mequal (=) texsym) (defprop mequal 80. tex-lbp) (defprop mequal 80. tex-rbp) (defprop mnotequal tex-infix tex) (defprop mnotequal ("\\ne ") texsym) (defprop mnotequal 80. tex-lbp) (defprop mnotequal 80. tex-rbp) (defprop mgreaterp tex-infix tex) (defprop mgreaterp (>) texsym) (defprop mgreaterp 80. tex-lbp) (defprop mgreaterp 80. tex-rbp) (defprop mgeqp tex-infix tex) (defprop mgeqp ("\\geq ") texsym) (defprop mgeqp 80. tex-lbp) (defprop mgeqp 80. tex-rbp) (defprop mlessp tex-infix tex) (defprop mlessp (<) texsym) (defprop mlessp 80. tex-lbp) (defprop mlessp 80. tex-rbp) (defprop mleqp tex-infix tex) (defprop mleqp ("\\leq ") texsym) (defprop mleqp 80. tex-lbp) (defprop mleqp 80. tex-rbp) (defprop mnot tex-prefix tex) (defprop mnot ("\\neg\\,") texsym) (defprop mnot 70. tex-rbp) (defprop mand tex-infix tex) (defprop mand ("\\land ") texsym) (defprop mand 80. tex-lbp) (defprop mand 80. tex-rbp) (defprop mor tex-infix tex) (defprop mor ("\\lor ") texsym) ;; make sin(x) display as sin x , but sin(x+y) as sin(x+y) ;; etc (defun tex-setup (x) (let((a (car x)) (b (cadr x))) (setf (get a 'tex) 'tex-prefix) (setf (get a 'texword) b) ;This means "sin" will always be roman (setf (get a 'texsym) (list b)) (setf (get a 'tex-rbp) 130))) (mapc #'tex-setup '( (%sin "\\sin ") (%cos "\\cos ") (%tan "\\tan ") (%cot "\\cot ") (%sec "\\sec ") (%csc "\\csc ") (%asin "\\arcsin ") (%acos "\\arccos ") (%atan "\\arctan ") (%acot "\\operatorname{arccot}") (%asec "\\operatorname{arcsec}") (%acsc "\\operatorname{arccsc}") (%sinh "\\sinh ") (%cosh "\\cosh ") (%tanh "\\tanh ") (%coth "\\coth ") (%sech "\\operatorname{sech}") (%csch "\\operatorname{csch}") (%asinh "\\operatorname{arcsinh}") (%acosh "\\operatorname{arccosh}") (%atanh "\\operatorname{arctanh}") (%acoth "\\operatorname{arccoth}") (%asech "\\operatorname{arcsech}") (%acsch "\\operatorname{arccsch}") (%determinant "\\det ") (%ln "\\ln ") (%log "\\log ") ;; (%erf "{\\rm erf}") this would tend to set erf(x) as erf x. Unusual ;(%laplace "{\\cal L}") )) ;; etc (defprop mor tex-nary tex) (defprop mor 50. tex-lbp) (defprop mor 50. tex-rbp) (defprop mcond tex-mcond tex) (defprop mcond 25. tex-lbp) (defprop mcond 25. tex-rbp) (defprop %derivative tex-derivative tex) (defun tex-derivative (x l r) (tex (tex-d x (diff-symbol)) l r lop rop )) (defun tex-d(x dsym) ;dsym should be $d or "$d\\partial" ;; format the macsyma derivative form so it looks ;; sort of like a quotient times the deriva-dand. (let* ((arg (cadr x)) ;; the function being differentiated (difflist (cddr x)) ;; list of derivs e.g. (x 1 y 2) (ords (odds difflist 0)) ;; e.g. (1 2) (vars (odds difflist 1)) ;; e.g. (x y) (numer `((mexpt) ,dsym ((mplus) , at ords))) ; d^n numerator (denom (cons '(mtimes) (mapcan #'(lambda(b e) `(,dsym ,(simplifya `((mexpt) ,b ,e) nil))) vars ords)))) `((mtimes) ((mquotient) ,(simplifya numer nil) ,denom) ,arg))) (defun odds(n c) ;; if c=1, get the odd terms (first, third...) (cond ((null n) nil) ((= c 1)(cons (car n)(odds (cdr n) 0))) ((= c 0)(odds (cdr n) 1)))) (defun tex-mcond (x l r) (append l (tex (cadr x) '("\\mathbf{if}\\;") '("\\;\\mathbf{then}\\;") 'mparen 'mparen) (if (eql (fifth x) '$false) (tex (caddr x) nil r 'mcond rop) (append (tex (caddr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen) (tex (fifth x) '("\\;\\mathbf{else}\\;") r 'mcond rop))))) (defprop mdo tex-mdo tex) (defprop mdo 30. tex-lbp) (defprop mdo 30. tex-rbp) (defprop mdoin tex-mdoin tex) (defprop mdoin 30. tex-rbp) (defun tex-lbp(x)(cond((get x 'tex-lbp))(t(lbp x)))) (defun tex-rbp(x)(cond((get x 'tex-rbp))(t(lbp x)))) ;; these aren't quite right (defun tex-mdo (x l r) (tex-list (texmdo x) l r "\\;")) (defun tex-mdoin (x l r) (tex-list (texmdoin x) l r "\\;")) (defun texmdo (x) (nconc (cond ((second x) `("\\mathbf{for}" ,(second x)))) (cond ((equal 1 (third x)) nil) ((third x) `("\\mathbf{from}" ,(third x)))) (cond ((equal 1 (fourth x)) nil) ((fourth x) `("\\mathbf{step}" ,(fourth x))) ((fifth x) `("\\mathbf{next}" ,(fifth x)))) (cond ((sixth x) `("\\mathbf{thru}" ,(sixth x)))) (cond ((null (seventh x)) nil) ((eq 'mnot (caar (seventh x))) `("\\mathbf{while}" ,(cadr (seventh x)))) (t `("\\mathbf{unless}" ,(seventh x)))) `("\\mathbf{do}" ,(eighth x)))) (defun texmdoin (x) (nconc `("\\mathbf{for}" ,(second x) "\\mathbf{in}" ,(third x)) (cond ((sixth x) `("\\mathbf{thru}" ,(sixth x)))) (cond ((null (seventh x)) nil) ((eq 'mnot (caar (seventh x))) `("\\mathbf{while}" ,(cadr (seventh x)))) (t `("\\mathbf{unless}" ,(seventh x)))) `("\\mathbf{do}" ,(eighth x)))) ;; Undone and trickier: ;; handle reserved symbols stuff, just in case someone ;; has a macsyma variable named (yuck!!) \over or has a name with ;; {} in it. ;; Maybe do some special hacking for standard notations for ;; hypergeometric fns, alternative summation notations 0<=n<=inf, etc. ;;Undone and really pretty hard: line breaking (defprop mtext tex-mtext tex) (defprop text-string tex-mtext tex) (defprop mlable tex-mlable tex) (defprop spaceout tex-spaceout tex) (defun tex-mtext (x l r) (tex-list (cdr x) l r "")) |# (defun tex-mlable (x l r) (tex (caddr x) (append l (if (cadr x) (list (format nil (concatenate 'string (string (code-char 23)) "~A" (string (code-char 23))) (myquote (print-case-sensitive (stripdollar (cadr x)))))) nil)) r 'mparen 'mparen)) (defun tex-spaceout (x l r) (append l (list "\\verb|" (make-string (cadr x) :initial-element #\space) "|") r)) ; jh: verb & mbox (defun latex (x) ; (princ x) ;; uncomment to debug. (mapc #'princ (if (and (listp x) (cdr x) (equal (string-right-trim '(#\Space) (cadr x)) "Is")) (tex x (list (string (code-char 21))) (list (string (code-char 22))) 'mparen 'mparen) (tex x (list (string (code-char 2))) (list (string (code-char 5))) 'mparen 'mparen)))) (let ((old-displa (symbol-function 'displa))) (defun displa (form) (if (eq $display2d '$imaxima) (latex form) (funcall old-displa form))))