FW: R. H. Rand's permission: german translation of your "introduction to maxima"[Scanned]

Am 16 Jan 2006 um 12:15 hat Robert Gloeckner geschrieben:

> On the other hand it would be nice to have alternative examples for
> those sections, especially "Matrix calculations" and "Programming in
> Maxima". It would be very nice, if somebody could provide me with links
> to short examples.

Hello Robert,

here is one of my favourite examples I use for teaching basic programming constructs.
It is not really a computer algebra example, but is easy to understand and has some 
basic programming elements in it.

(C1) roll_dice(n):= block ( 	  /* simulation of n throws of a dice */
   [ tmp, count:[0,0,0,0,0,0] ], 	  /* local variables */
   for i:1 thru n do (		  /* loop */
      tmp: random(6)+1,		  /* randomly throwing */
      count[tmp]: count[tmp]+1 ), /* counting */  /* end of loop */
   count )$			  /* return value */

I copied this from my text editor into xmaxima and do now use this function. 

(C2) roll_dice(1000);
(D2)              [163, 176, 159, 148, 178, 176]

1000 or 10000 times is quite fast. For more times I compile my function.

(C3) compile(roll_dice)$
Compiling gazonk0.lsp.
End of Pass 1.  
End of Pass 2.  
OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=2, Space=2, Speed=2
Finished compiling gazonk0.lsp.

(C4) roll_dice(1000000);
(D4)    [166351, 166425, 167102, 166591, 167192, 166339]

For what its worth