FW: R. H. Rand's permission: german translation of your "introduction to maxima"[Scanned]

On 26.01.2006 17:27, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> Note that the Springer letter addresses only electronic reproduction.  The
> fact that it reserves print rights makes it incompatible with the
> GPL/LGPL/GFDL.  In particular, if at some point someone wants to use Maxima
> documentation to produce a printed Maxima book, that would be a problem.

This is right. I forgot to write that.
"Der Springer-Verlag hat nicht die elektronischen Rechte an diesem Werk.
Diese Rechte liegen beim Autor."
Springer states that they do not have the "electronical (copy)right",
those are owned by the author.

After all, Maxima does not have a lack of english manuals, but there
should be a note on that.


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