Problems with cvs maxima on windows

> (%i1) determinant(matrix([1,2],[2,1]));
>                                    [ 1  2 ]
> (%o1)                              [      ]
>                                    [ 2  1 ]

OK, this appears to be due to r1.9 of src/matrix.lisp (diff below);
$DETERMINANT now returns its argument if $CONSTANTP is T.
$CONSTANTP returns T for nonscalar constant objects,
which seems appropriate, so maybe $DETERMINANT
needs to test for "constant and scalar" or something.

Robert Dodier

log message:
revision 1.9
date: 2005/12/19 19:18:09;  author: willisbl;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -1
Before, determinant returned a noun form for atoms, but signaled an
error for other non-matrix inputs.  Determinant now returns a noun form for
expressions that are not non-mbags and not matrices. For constant inputs,
determinant returns its argument. Thus det(a+b) -> det(a+b), det(%pi) --> %pi,
and det([a,b]) --> error. As before, det([a]) --> a.

Index: matrix.lisp
RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/src/matrix.lisp,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
--- matrix.lisp 7 Nov 2005 17:37:11 -0000       1.8
+++ matrix.lisp 19 Dec 2005 19:18:09 -0000      1.9
@@ -155,7 +155,8 @@
        (t (mapcar #'ratplus a b))))

 (defmfun $determinant (mat)
-  (cond ((atom mat) (list '(%determinant) mat))
+  (cond (($constantp mat) mat)
+       ((not (or (mbagp mat) ($matrixp mat))) (list '(%determinant) mat))
        (t (setq mat (check mat))
           (if (not (= (length mat) (length (cadr mat))))
               (merror "`determinant' called on a non-square matrix."))