lisp and maxima intertwined

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew K. Wolven" <awolven at>
To: <maxima at>
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:31 AM
Subject: lisp and maxima intertwined

> Problem is, I've written a lot of junk, but maxima is implementing a 
> custom reader and REPL afaik (plz correct me if I'm wrong), and I've only 
> once messed with readers.

This is kind of true, but it is not hacking the lisp read table.  It just 
characters from the user's input.

 How can I just sandwich lisp in maxima like "1+f(10) +
> lisp((+ 1 2 (the :three) 4)) + 2"? (where "lisp" is a maxima macro and 
> "the" is a shadowed symbol which is now a lisp macro)  Then it might be 
> easier to implement a KBE thing using maxima.

You could do this:  LISP("(+ 1 2 (the :three) 4)")  +2    without too much
trouble.  Then you could have the LISP function do something like

(defun $LISP(x)(read-from-string x))

However, the internal maxima form for (+ x y)  is likely to look more
like ((mplus simp) $y $x),  if you want to mix them together.

> We could also plot to Autocad (and CL-PDF, if someone is willing to figure 
> these out!)
> Oh yeah, I know this is GPL and not LPGL or LLGPL, does that mean I should 
> go with Macsyma?

At the moment it seems that the commercial Macsyma is unsupported and almost
unavailable.  Good luck contacting the current owner.

You can  get a copy of DOE Macsyma that is essentially unrestricted,
and use that, if you want to sell what you've done.  If you don't want to 
sell what
you've done, GPL, LGPL, etc. doesn't matter much.