>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis <willisb at unk.edu> writes:
Barton> I was thinking about how I might use the package system in linalg.
Barton> So, I tried the experiment:
MAXIMA> (defpackage :my (:use :common-lisp :maxima)
Barton> (:import-from :maxima #:add :maxima :mplus :maxima :simp))
MY> (add '$a '$b);
Barton> ((MPLUS SIMP) $A $B)
Barton> (Q1) Is all this :import stuff really needed?
I think it would work without the :import-from, since you're :use'ing
:maxima already. That is, no package qualifiers needed to refer to a
symbol in the maxima package.
Barton> (Q2) Switching back to the 'maxima' package seems
Barton> like it will cause trouble:
MY> (setf q (add '$a '$b));
Barton> ((MPLUS SIMP) $A $B)
MY> (in-package :maxima);
Barton> #<"MAXIMA" package>
Barton> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
Barton> Error in EVAL [or a callee]: The variable Q is unbound.
MAXIMA> my::q
Barton> ((MPLUS SIMP) MY::$A MY::$B)
Barton> How could this be done? (A general scheme to change
Barton> my::<junk> --> <junk>.)
You would have to programmatically import my::q to maxima. But I
think this is not the typical way to use the MY package.
I think you would typically be in the maxima package and access stuff
from your MY package. Of course, you'd have to use package qualifiers
(my::foo) to access them, unless you tell maxima to :use your package.
It would be a bit unusual to have maxima :use MY, though, but not
Barton> (Q3) Other advice -- perhaps a pointer to a good
Barton> tutorial on packages in CL?
I believe Practical Common Lisp (available on the web) has a good
section on packages.