>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis <willisb at unk.edu> writes:
Barton> -----Raymond Toy wrote: -----
Barton> (Q1) Is all this :import stuff really
>> needed?
>> I think it would work without the :import-from,
>> since you're :use'ing :maxima already. That is,
>> no package qualifiers needed to refer to a
>> symbol in the maxima package.
Barton> In GCL, it doesn't seem to work that way:
MAXIMA> (defpackage :my (:use :common-lisp :maxima))
Barton> #<"MY" package>
MAXIMA> (in-package :my)
Barton> #<"MY" package>
MY> (add 5 6);
Oops. That's because ADD is not an external symbol of the maxima
package. In fact, I'm pretty sure maxima doesn't export ANY symbols,
so my suggestion here doesn't really work the way you want.
But it does suggest that you really want to be in the maxima package
when doing your stuff with your MY package. :-)
>> I think you would typically be in the maxima
>> package and access stuff
>> from your MY package. Of course, you'd have to
>> use package qualifiers
>> (my::foo) to access them, unless you tell maxima
>> to :use your package.
Barton> Oh--I understand. Thanks.
One other thing. The MY package should decide what to export as it's
public interface to maxima. Then you can use either my:foo or just
foo if maxima :uses your package.