Maxima tutorials for specific math subjects Differential Equations & Linear Algebra

> From: Robert Dodier

> a couple of ideas --

Thank you for taking the time to offer help.

> the directory maxima/share/contrib/rand/ (should be in your 
> installation)
> contains a lot of scripts and other files for solving 
> specific problems.
> (btw rand = Richard Rand, not rand as in "random".)

Great tip!  

I might never (or for indeterminate time not) have
found those modules.

Also, the BK1 files do NOT show up by default when
maxima is told to load a batch file so it helps to
go to the actual directories and list them.

A minor problem on Windows, which might save someone else a 
headache, is that the files have some (probably a Ctrl-D)
unreadable character at the end.  The Windows version
reports a "Lisp error" (for some of the BK1 files at least.)
It's easy to avoid by removing the character using a
text editor.

> take a look at the tutorial by Boris Gaertner,
> on/Contents.htm
> which has several sections on specific topics.

This I have seen (thanks seriously though), and 
perhaps I wasn't clear:

What I am really hoping to find are tutorials on
the MATH subjects, that reference Maxima for help
is learning the subject and solving that class of

There is quite a bit on using Maxima, but not much
(that I have found) on learning mathematics BY using 

Herb Martin