Plotting questions: changes in plotting between 5.9.1 and 5.9.2

> I've recently upgraded from 5.9.1 to 5.9.2 and noticed several changes
> in running a solution I've been developing.  Having to rewrite my batch
> files slightly caused me to learn some new functionality I didn't know
> before!!!  (Good)  However, I've also found that plotting no longer
> produces a maxima.gnuplot file in the working directory.  

Really? I don't have any problems with that.

> I used to use this file to save my plot data, and then plot in another
> package, however without the file I'm a little stuck.  Is this file
> saved elsewhere in 5.9.2?  Is this option available?
> Incidently, how do I plot two vectors against each other using maxima
> and gnuplot interface?  I've never figured this out.  For example, I'd
> like the functionality of octave's plot(x,y) for two vectors.  

I hope the following Maxima session will help you:

/*******************  begin Maxima  ********************/

(%i1) edge1:[[2,4],[0,1]]$

(%i2) edge2: [[3,5],[2,7]]$

(%i3) plot2d([[discrete, edge1],[discrete, edge2]],
           "with points 3 7"],
           "set xrange [-3:5]; set yrange [0:10];
            set pointsize 3; set nokey; set noxtics; set noytics;
            set label 1 'Madrid' at -0.5, 1  center;
            set label 2 'Paris' at 2, 4.5 center;
            set arrow 1 from 2, 4 to 0, 1 size 0.5, 30 filled heads;
            set arrow 2 from 3, 5 to 2, 7 size 0.3, 10 filled"])$

/*******************  end Maxima  ********************/

This is the maxima.output file I get in my working directory ~/

/*******************  begin maxima.output  ********************/

set xrange [-3:5]; set yrange [0:10];
            set pointsize 3; set nokey; set noxtics; set noytics;
            set label 1 'Madrid' at -0.5, 1  center; 
            set label 2 'Paris' at 2, 4.5 center;
            set arrow 1 from 2, 4 to 0, 1 size 0.5, 30 filled heads;
            set arrow 2 from 3, 5 to 2, 7 size 0.3, 10 filled
plot '-' title 'discrete1' with points 3 7, '-' title 'discrete2' with
points 3 7
2.     4.     
0.     1.     
3.     5.     
2.     7.

/*******************  end maxima.output  ********************/

Best wishes

Mario Rodriguez Riotorto