Factoring large integers

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at gmail.com> writes:

    Robert> Hello all,
    Robert> Here is a message from Hans Joksch about factoring large integers with Maxima.
    Robert> Maybe someone can comment on this topic.
    Robert> I've mentioned to Hans the Miller-Rabin code.
    Robert> (http://cvs.sf.net/viewcvs.py/*checkout*/maxima/maxima/share/contrib/ifactor.lisp)
    Robert> Maybe factor should call ifactor in some circumstances? Just a thought.

That's not a bad idea.  Or just replace factor with ifactor?

    Robert> 1(38) was a remarkable exception: the program ran 4h 25min until I
    Robert> interrupted it.  It is obvious that

FWIW, ifactor on 1 GHz sparc with cmucl found that 1(38) has 3 factors
in 98 sec.  (I compiled ifactor first.  This probably helps quite a
bit with cmucl.)

    Robert> Up to 1(16), Maxima also factored practically instantaneously.
    Robert> Thereafter, the following differences appeared:
    Robert> 1(17), just less than 1 sec, much more than 0.1 sec, a product of a 7-
    Robert> and a 10-digit number
    Robert> 1(31), I interrupted after 15 min, contains a 20-didgit factor

0.1 sec.

    Robert> 1(33), I interrupted after 9 min, a 19-digit factor

0.08 sec

    Robert> 1(34), I interrupted after 2.5 min, contains a 7-, a 10-, and an 11-digit factor

2.68 sec

    Robert> 1(37), I interrupted after 3 hours, contains a 7-, a 9-, and a
    Robert> 22-digit factor - Derive factored this in 0.2 sec!

1.52 sec.  Slow compared to Derive, but not 3 hours. :-)

    Robert> I also tried to factor 2^(2^n)+1.  Here are the results
    Robert> n						Derive				Maxima

    Robert> 5                              <0.1 sec            instantaneous
    Robert> 6                              <0.1 sec                 4 sec
    Robert> 7  I interrupted after          15 min                  5 min

n=7 took 58 sec.

ifactor seems quite nice.
