> I think I have found a bug in the nset package. For example,
> kill("all");
> load("nset");
> a:set(1,2)$
> b:set(2,1)$
> setequality(a,b);
> returns unevaluated. This last function is documented, but is not
> defined. I think this is a bug. A work-around is to define
I think the function 'setequality' was removed from nset
some time ago. It also seems that user documentation
for 'setequality' has been removed. What is your build_info()?
And whence your nset? To test the equality of sets, do it just
as you would test the equality of any other maxima object:
(%i10) a : set(1,2);
(%o10) {1,2}
(%i11) b : set(2,1);
(%o11) {1,2}
(%i12) is(a=b);
(%o12) true
(%i13) b : set(2,1,2,1,2,2);
(%o13) {1,2}
(%i14) is(a=b);
(%o14) true
(%i15) b : set(2,1,2,1,2,2,z);
(%o15) {1,2,z}
(%i16) is(a=b);
(%o16) false