
Fabrizio Caruso wrote:

>Yes, expand was the problem.
>fasttimes performs roughly the same as "*"
>with fairly big dense univariate 
>polynomials (degree>2500)
>which means fasttimes must be probably 
>using something different then standard Karatsuba.
>I wonder it fasttimes does...\
You can look at the code for fasttimes. Unless someone changed
it since I wrote it, it is using a Karatsuba-style multiplier.

>Karatsuba as described in textbooks
>splits univariate dense polynomials 
>into its higher degree part and
>lower degree part and by doing so 
>it avoids one multiplication (3 instead of 4)
>at each recursive step.
>My C++ implementation of Karatsuba overtakes
>on the computers I tested it
>the school multiplication algorithm
>as soon as the degree is about 100.
That sounds reasonable.  The degree of  answer or the input?
50X50 --> 100 is a possible winner in my recent tests.  Trying it on 
10X90 -->  100 you might get a different winner.
Also consider that the Karatsuba iteration for say  2500X2500 degree
should be cut off at whatever you see as the break-even, and switch
to the "school multiplication".

On the other hand, for 2500X2500 univariate you can consider
FFT multiplication if you really have modest-size coefficients and
only one variable.
If you are studying this problem seriously, look at what is
done by NTL. I also have some programs for splitting in 3 rather
than 2  (Cook-Toom) and FFT.